Brighton & Hove City Council




4.30pm21 October 2021


Council Chamber - BTH





Present:   Councillors Robins (Chair), Mears (Deputy Chair), Allcock, Appich, Bagaeen, Barnett, Bell, Brown, Childs, Davis, Deane, Druitt, Ebel, Evans, Fishleigh, Fowler, Gibson, Grimshaw, Hamilton, Heley, Henry, Hills, Hugh-Jones, John, Knight, Lewry, Littman, Lloyd, Meadows, Mac Cafferty, McNair, Miller, Moonan, Nemeth, O'Quinn, Osborne, Peltzer Dunn, Pissaridou, Platts, Powell, Shanks, Simson, C Theobald, West, Wilkinson and Williams








38             Declarations of Interest


38.1      There were no declarations of interests in matters appearing on the agenda.




39             Minutes


The minutes of the (a) the Special meeting held on the 15th July and (b) the last ordinary meeting held on the 15th July were approved as a correct record of the proceedings.




40             Mayor's Communications.


40.1      The Mayor stated that he wished to hold a minute’s silence to remember those women who had suffered from violence and as a mark of respect for the death of Sir David Amess MP.


40.2      The Mayor then gave the following communications:


The Mayor noted that following the Notice of Motion relating to the Mary Clarke statue, he had been asked to accept the lamp that was sitting on his desk which was lit to mark the way for those who were suffering from violence. He also noted that councillors had been asked to wear an orange ribbon to show their support for the campaign against violence against women and girls.


The Mayor noted that the Service of Compassion took place on Sunday and for those of you who could not attend, it was available to watch on You Tube. The Service was organised by the Interfaith Contact Group.


The Annual Civic Advent Service was being held on the 28 November at St Nicholas Church. All Councillors are welcome to attend, and should contact the Mayor’s Office to let officers know whether you will be there, by the 15 November.


The Mayor then noted a couple of events that he wished to draw Members’ attention to:

Actually Gay Men’s Chorus 7 December

The original version of Miracle on 34th Street 10 December


Both events were in aid of the Mayor’s charities and both events were taking place at All Saints Church in Hove.


The Mayor stated that he had been made aware of a revision to Item 56 the Notice of Motion on Protect Residents This Winter. He was happy to accept the revision which was to ensure that the correct information was stated.


The Mayor noted that he had been informed by the petitioner for Item 41 that they were unable to join the meeting until 5.00pm due to work commitments and would therefore take Item 42 Public Questions ahead of this item.


Finally, the Mayor stated that he intended to take regular short breaks during the meeting, in order to give everyone in the chamber an opportunity to get some fresh air and remove their masks.




41             To receive petitions and e-petitions.


41.1      The Mayor invited the submission of petitions from councillors and members of the public.  He reminded the Council that petitions would be referred to the appropriate decision-making body without debate and the person presenting the petition would be invited to attend the meeting to which the petition was referred.


41.2      Ms Graber presented a petition signed by 278 people seeking consultation with parents on city playground  upgrades.


41.3      The Mayor thanked Ms Graber and confirmed that the petition would be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.




42             Written questions from members of the public.


40.1         The Mayor reported that 8 written questions had been received from members of the public and invited Mr Johnson to join the meeting and address the council.


40.2         Mr Johnson asked the following question, Brighton needs to take an innovative leap as Berlin has done with regards to rent control.

Rent control cooled the housing market in Berlin (both in rental prices/ home prices) and should be developed in Brighton.   How quickly can this take place?


40.3         Councillor Gibson replied, improving private rented housing is a key priority in our Housing Committee Work Plan. However, rent control in non-Council-owned housing stock is outside the scope and powers of the local authorities and is a matter for national government


40.4         Mr Johnson asked the following supplementary question; are you suggesting that the matter needs to be raised in Parliament?


40.5         Councillor Gibson replied; yes and one slightly heartening thing is that in Scotland the SNP and Green parties are working on arrangements to introduce rent controls there which is a step forward and one that other governments may then adopt.


40.6         The Mayor thanked Mr Johnson for his questions and invited Mr Harris to come forward and address the council.


40.7         Mr Harris asked the following question;


The Home Office currently has a backlog of over 70k Asylum cases and rising waiting to be completed. This is causing massive delays and trauma to asylum seekers, many of which are fleeing violence, torture and war zones. Following the recent High Court action Ncube vs Brighton & Hove City Council, could the Council please explain the process a young (under 26) Asylum Seeker who is homeless, has NRPF and is in need of housing support / advice, should take in order to gain sanctuary and emergency housing support should they choose to live and settle in Brighton and Hove?


40.8         Councillor Gibson replied; each case has to be assessed individually. There is no blanket response, the law around this is complicated and the Council is constrained by legislation as highlighted in the case referred to.  It depends on many factors for example, what category of NRPFs a person is ; whether they are an EU citizen or are they in the UK with leave to remain or no leave to remain. Then there is the consideration of whether they have needs such as would come under the Care Act, or National Assistance Act or Children’s Act. If none of these apply, then there is consideration of whether they have a live application with the Home Office and whether accommodation can be provided by the Home office. The Council works with both organisations offering support and the Home Office wherever possible to ensure those with NRPF are not left destitute


40.9               Mr Harris asked the following supplementary question; I am actually thinking of a particular client.  He applied to social services and was told to go to the police station, but was put into a taxi, not told where they were going and ended up outside the city, away from the support services that had been put in place. Do you agree this is quite concerning?


40.10      Councillor Gibson replied; I really hope that the appropriate bodies will look at this particular case. I think councillors in the city are probably getting similar cases it would be good to know how the council is monitoring the situation to ensure that people are being placed into suitable care.


40.11      The Mayor thanked Mr Harris for his questions and invited Mr Smith to join the meeting and address the council.


40.12      Mr Smith asked the following question; is it envisaged or indeed is there any possibility (however remote) that any section of the A259 could be included in the car free city centre proposal and are the council and officers aware that transport infrastructure forms a very small part of the term liveable city?


Please can you also advise why the other five elements that constitute a liveable city are not receiving equal public consideration and do you accept that in the absence of this, the original definition of a car free city centre was infinitely more appropriate?


40.13      Councillor Heley replied; further work will be undertaken to explore the initial, proposed options for a Liveable City Centre that have been considered so far by the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.  This will take place over time and in phases.  This work will include the extent of the areas and roads that could be included or excluded and how they could be managed to achieve the best outcomes for people and businesses. The role and use of the A259 will be an important part of this and opportunities for improving it for non-car users, including crossings to the seafront will be considered as part of this work.


We have used the term ‘liveable’ in ‘Liveable City Centre’ as a general description rather than suggesting that it will deliver all the normally recognised constituents of a ‘liveable city’.  However, by creating a more attractive central area, it will support improved city centre neighbourhoods, provide opportunities for more green spaces, and offer a more accessible environment.  It will also encourage and offer more sustainable mobility, support a diverse and resilient city centre economy, and will create more vibrant public spaces for everybody to use and enjoy. Other benefits would be improved air quality, reduced noise levels and safer streets.


40.14      Mr Smith asked a supplementary question, could I please have a copy of the plan should there be one and confirmation as to whether there is any intention to close part of the A259 and what the views of the DfT would be?


40.15      Councillor Heley replied, it was not possible to provide any further information at this point, but she would be happy to address any questions that Mr Smith had if he could send them to her.


40.16      The Mayor thanked Mr Smith for his questions and invited Councillor Fishleigh to ask a question on behalf of Anna Webb who was unable to join the meeting.


40.17      Councillor Fishleigh asked the following question; residents in Ovingdean want to reduce their reliance on cars but that is impossible when we have one bus an hour which stops before 7pm and only takes us either north or south.  We have no direct bus service into the local shops in Rottingdean. As part of the current bus review, will you commit to looking at how the bus service into and out of Ovingdean can be improved?


40.18      Councillor Heley replied; I recognise the issues you raise, and this is something I am keen to address to help make buses a more attractive option for more people. Our Bus Service Improvement Plan includes actions to improve the bus services supported by the council, including better frequencies and evening services. I’m pleased to say this includes services to Ovingdean but unfortunately, I am unable to commit to specific improvements until we are aware how much funding will be made available to councils to implement their Bus Service Improvement Plans. We hope to be able to provide an update on changes to supported bus services next year.


40.19      The Mayor thanked Councillor Fishleigh for asking the question on behalf of Ms Webb and noted that she was also asking a question on behalf of Tracey Llewellyn who was also unable to join the meeting.


40.20      Councillor Fishleigh asked the following question, residents of Ovingdean have repeatedly come to council committees asking for pavements where none currently exist on our busiest roads which are north Greenways and Ovingdean Road. These would enable us to get out of our cars and walk safely between the shop, nursery, village hall, church, takeaway & to access public footpaths across the farmland. 

In the draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan is a list of the prioritised neighbourhood areas for walking improvements.

Ovingdean is 25th on the list of 31. Why is Ovingdean so far down this list and will you consider moving it higher up?


40.21      Councillor Heley replied, thank you for your question Councillor Fishleigh, which follows on from the one you asked at Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee last month.  The technical input used to identify strategic priorities for the next 10 years have followed government recommendations, and this has been combined with a wide range of stakeholder input from across the city.   Factors that have been assessed include levels of high deprivation, age of population, and collisions involving pedestrian and cyclists.  In addition, the assessment has included connections with local services such as education facilities, strategic development sites, local destinations, leisure facilities, green spaces and Air Quality Management Areas.


The wider Ovingdean neighbourhood has been assessed and is included, but as a lower priority compared to others across the city.  However, we are currently consulting on the Plan and would welcome all suggestions and responses and the survey can be found on the council’s website.  


40.22   The Mayor thanked Councillor Fishleigh for asking the question on behalf of Ms Llewellyn and invited Mr Harland to join the meeting and address the council.


40.23   Mr Harland asked the following question, can the Leader of the Council confirm or deny that contact was made with directly or indirectly, to complain and request the removal of the name and photo from the petition requesting the resignation of the Chair of the ETS committee? 




40.24   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied, determine whether a request to change a petition is accepted in the same way Facebook determines whether a post is acceptable or not. They govern this, not us. Particularly given the recent and horrific murder of David Amess MP while serving his own constituents, I am sure everyone here will agree that any purposeful targeting of a person in public life, particularly a person who falls under protected characteristics owing to their age, sex, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation, is one that should be challenged. Further, we are a minority administration, and we do not operate under a system of executive leadership. All decisions are taken, and pass or fall, owing to the votes of everyone, of all political parties, on a committee. Therefore to target one person for a policy or position is both wrong and inappropriate.


40.25   Mr Harland asked a supplementary question, if contact was made do you not consider that suppression of democracy?


40.26   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied, it is not appropriate for me to comment, if someone contacted as it is essentially a matter for them. I am accountable and answerable for the City Council actions, its policies or practices not what individuals do and their individual capacity outside of the City Council.


40.27   The Mayor thanked Mr Harland for his questions and invited Ms King to join the meeting and address the council.


40.28   Ms King asked the following question, given that various national allowance systems, such as Child Benefit, are means-tested to ensure that the wealthiest in society are not eligible to claim, can the Leader of the Council give examples of similar systems within the Council whereby wealth is taken into account when pay-outs are made?


40.29   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied; can I ask that Ms King emails me her question and what it is she is seeking an answer on so that I can provide a full response, as it stands, I am not sure I can give an appropriate reply.


40.30   Ms King asked the following supplementary question; is it appropriate for councillors to claim for babysitting costs?


40.31   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied; the matter relates to the Scheme of Members Allowances that is recommended by the Independent Remuneration Panel, who look at all aspects of remuneration and what should be included to enable people from all backgrounds to stand as councillors. This includes young parents and what support is appropriate for them to undertaken their roles and childcare forms part of the overall scheme.


40.32   The Mayor thanked Ms King for her questions and invited Mr Maclay to join the meeting and address the council.


40.33   Mr Maclay asked the following question does the leader of the council agree the accepted rule for councillors in the UK, is that they must live in the town/city that they represent, and that it would be inconceivable that any councillor would show total disregard for this rule and not be residing locally amongst their constituents, especially during “times of crisis” such as those that we are experiencing now?


40.34   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied; thank you for the question. The position regarding the qualification to stand for elections and being able to continue to hold office after being elected is governed by section 79 of the Local Government Act 1972. Section 79 actually says that there are a number of grounds for qualifying to hold and to continue to hold office as a councillor. They are not, however, limited to residents of the local authority. Some of the reasons that you can stand for office, could be that you are on the electoral register,  occupying lands or being a tenant, having one’s place of work in the area or during the 12 months preceding the election or residing in the area. I hope you'll be able to see from what I've said that being a resident of the local authority area is not the only ground for qualifying to be elected.


40.35   Mr Maclay asked the following supplementary question, could the Leader of the Council confirm he is aware of those in his Group who have spent considerably more than half their time in the last 18 months living outside Brighton and Hove?


40.36   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied, there is a need to appreciate the situation that we have all been in with the pandemic and people’s personal circumstances. It has meant that they were perhaps away from the city council area for a period of time due to restrictions on travel being imposed travel. It meant that there were lockdowns not just here, not just over Europe but all over the world.


40.37   The Mayor thanked Mr Maclay for his questions and noted that was the end of the public questions.




43             Deputations from members of the public.


43.1      The Mayor reported that one deputation had been received from members of the public and invited Mr Smith as the spokesperson for the deputation to join the meeting and address the council.


43.2      Mr Smith thanked the Mayor and stated that it related to improving the bus services and encouraging people back onto the bus so as to tackle congestion on the A259 coast road east of the Marina. There was a clear need to address the build-up of traffic which prevented buses from entering the bus lane that had been established to improve journey times. The deputation was seeking to have a trial period whereby other traffic could use the bus lane in a certain part of the A259 and thereby improve journey time and encourage more commuters onto buses. He hoped that the council would consider a 6-month trial and then see the benefits that could be made.


43.3      Councillor Heley replied, the  Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approved a draft Bus Service Improvement Plan in September. All Local Transport Authorities are required to produce this document in response to the new National Bus Strategy. This responds to the government’s requests to introduce more bus priority, improve bus journey times and grow passenger numbers. It identified the A259 corridor as one where improvements could be made, and funding has been requested to develop proposals and consider the feasibility of these. There are no current proposals to allow traffic into bus lanes; however, the impact on general traffic will be fully assessed as part of scheme development.


43.4      The Mayor thanked Mr Smith for joining the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation. He explained that the points had been noted and the deputation would be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for consideration. The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of any action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.




44             Petitions for Council Debate


44.1      The Mayor stated that where a petition secured 1,250 or more signatures it could be debated at the council meeting.  He had been made aware of one such petition and invited Mr Maclay to join the meeting and to present the petition concerning the way in which the Council was being run on behalf of the lead petitioner Mr Carter.


44.2      Mr Maclay thanked the Mayor and stated that the petition which had been signed by over 5,000 people and raised concern over the way in which the city council was currently being run and called on the Green Administration to stand down.


44.3      Councillor Mac Cafferty thanked Mr Maclay for presenting the petition and stated that.


44.4      Councillors Brown and O’Quinn spoke on the petition and noted that charity events were held at the stadium and that the actual sport was not illegal or unregulated. It was also recognised that the protests had an impact on residents and if the stadium closed it would have impact on jobs.


44.5      The Mayor thanked Mr Maclay for presenting the petition and stated that as it was a matter for the Council, he would put the recommendation to note the petition to the vote.


44.6      RESOLVED: That the petition be noted.




45             Call Over for Reports of Committees.


45.1      The Mayor noted that a report from the Special Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 13th October 2021 had been referred to the Council for information and that he had accepted it as a late item. It was listed in the addendum as Item 50(a).


(a)   Callover


45.2      The following items on the agenda were reserved for discussion:


Item 49     -    Council and Committee Meetings

Item 50     -    Response to Members Letter – Freedom of Information Requests

Item 50     -    (a) City Clean Dispute Resolution


(b)       Receipt and/or Approval of Reports


45.3      The Mayor confirmed that Items 49, 50 and 50(a) had been reserved for discussion; and


45.4      The Mayor confirmed that the following report on the agenda with the recommendations therein had been approved and adopted:


Item 48     -    Review of the Waste Minerals Plan – Proposed Submission


(c)       Oral Questions from Members


45.5      The Mayor noted that there were no oral questions.




46             Written questions from Councillors.


46.1      The Mayor noted that written questions from Members and the replies from the appropriate Councillor were taken as read by reference to the list included in the addendum which had been circulated prior to the meeting as detailed below. He also noted that some responses had not been submitted in time for the addendum but would be included in the minutes to ensure a full record was kept.


(1)      Councillor  Yates: Housing


46.2      Can the lead for housing please update members on proposals to:

·           Fully reinstate housing scheme managers

·           Enable residents to access residents’ community facilities

·           Enable tenants’ associations to access their dedicated facilities at Eastergate Rd Housing Offices.


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones Joint Chair of the Housing Committee


46.3      The seniors housing service is trialling a hybrid operating model in line with other council and housing services. Our scheme managers have worked their normal hours during the pandemic and continue to do so. A hybrid model is allowing scheme managers to work more flexibly, and whilst they are now predominately on-site, this model allows some time for tasks to be done off-site where this makes sense to do so, such as supervision, training, data record updating, or daily calls.


Some staff are also more vulnerable to COVID-19 and we are working in line with the corporate risk assessment process to look at their front line roles – as a result some tasks may be shared within the team.


The communal areas are open to residents except for the guest rooms where we are working with our cleaning contractor to ensure that reopening these facilities is done in a COVID safe way. The service is also re-establishing social activities in communal areas where this can be done safely.


The service continues to see sporadic cases of COVID-19 and working in a cautious way enables us to provide a service whilst managing the on-going risk to residents and staff. If we fully reinstated the pre-pandemic service, we risk undoing all the good work we’ve done controlling this dangerous virus in our schemes.


We are also piloting a return to some in person meetings with resident groups subject to the relevant risk assessments, and with an offer of a hybrid option for those who still may wish to proceed virtually.  Our initial risk assessment indicates Hove Town Hall as a safer option for meetings than the Housing Centre (Eastergate Road) owing to ventilation concerns.


(2)      Councillor Hamilton: Public Toilets in Victoria Rec


46.3      There are no public toilets in Victoria Rec in Portslade anymore. It is a very busy recreation ground where many people, especially young people, go for football training and other exercise. There is money to modernise some toilets but surely providing them where needed should be a priority. Please can new toilets for Victoria Rec be included in the 2022-3 capital programme?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.5      Thank you for your question.


Unfortunately, there is no money available, either capital or revenue, to build and maintain new toilet facilities in the city.


It was recommended to Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee on 24 November 2020 to initiate Traffic Regulation Order consultations to introduce car parking charges for car parks in several city parks. This included the car park at Victoria Rec. An amendment to this recommendation was moved and subsequently agreed and so the TRO was not progressed.


Had the original recommendation been approved and car parking charges explored further for Victoria Rec, this would have provided an income stream which could have assisted the notion of toilets in the area and/or their maintenance.


New toilets cannot be developed without an ongoing management/maintenance plan by a third party such as a café, and this would only be possible if capital money was available for the build.


The new bowls centre does provide toilets for its members.


(3)      Councillor Grimshaw: Mental Health Emergency Services


46.6      I’m particularly interested in those detained under the mental health act as they are a danger to themselves and others. How many are admitted but then sent home? How many are actually sent for long term inpatient treatment? How many emergency mental health cases have not been able to access the Haven as it’s full? How many are just then taken to A&E and then sent home? How many are sent home with the promise of additional support? How long does it take for addition support from ASC to be put in place? What are the waiting times? What is the person supposed to do to get support whilst they are waiting?


Reply from Councillor Shanks, Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board


46.7      Please note that where we have not had the answers to this question, we have contacted partners, but more comprehensive replies may be available through them.


I’m particularly interested in those detained under the mental health act as they are a danger to themselves and others


It would be helpful to highlight that The Mental Health Act is designed to give health professionals the powers, in certain circumstances, to detain, assess and treat people with a mental disorder who are at risk of harm to themselves or others.


How many are admitted but then sent home?


Please see below, as requested. Brighton & Hove residents were identified from their CCG:


Admissions under the MHA of Brighton and Hove residents: 12 months to end June 2021

Total Admissions to Hospital

Section 2


Section 3


Section 4


Discharges from detention of Brighton and Hove residents: 12 months to end June 2021

Discharges from MHA and Hospital

Discharges to Informal Status

Section 2



Section 3



Section 4




How many are actually sent for long term inpatient treatment?


Patients are assessed and cared for in the most appropriate environment to meet their needs, long term inpatient treatment is not terminology that we would recognise.


How many emergency mental health cases have not been able to access the Haven as it’s full?


The Haven is well utilised by B&H residents. Should the facility be fully occupied, patients are assessed and treated in alternative settings.

How many are just then taken to A&E and then sent home?


Taking people to A&E, is an option that is clearly defined in the current amendment to the s136/135 policy and guarantees a place of safety for someone in mental health crisis detained under s136. As with the Havens/Urgent Care Lounge, the police remain with the person throughout their entire s136 period in A&E. If patients are sent home the decision is taken collaboratively by a team of assessing professionals.


Howmany are sent home with the promise of additional support?


Patients are assessed and provided supported appropriate to their needs. If there is no evidence of a mental disorder, then individuals will appropriately be discharged. For patients where a mental health need is identified they will be signposted to other services, such as housing, social care, alcohol and drug support, etc. by the assessing AMHP.


How long does it take for additional support from ASC to be put in place? What are the waiting times? What is the person supposed to do to get support whilst they are waiting?


Mental Health Services within Brighton and Hove are integrated between Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Brighton and Hove City Council.  This means that there are a number of co-located Social Workers and other social care members of staff embedded in both community and acute mental health services.  If an individual is already known to mental health services, then the request for additional support will be passed onto their Social Worker or Lead Practitioner to act upon.  If for any reason the Social Worker or Lead Practitioner is absent from work, then these concerns should be passed onto a duty worker to manage.  If the individual isn’t known and requires support for their mental health, then they can approach the Mental Health Rapid Response Service.  Waiting times are dependent on incoming work, staffing and risks.  However, all new referrals are screened by triage and prioritised based on risk to self and others and needs - 4hrs, 5 days or 20 days.  Anyone known to the service and who is having active input should receive a prompt response which again should be based on risks.


(4)      Councillor Williams: Afghan Refugees


46.8      I’m sure we all want to help the Afghan refugees as much as we can who have arrived in our city. I know many charities and community organisations have mobilised to assist which is wonderful. What is the council doing to help with their needs and what Government funds are available to finance this?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.9      The council responded to an urgent request from the Home Office and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government made to all local authorities in the UK on 13th September. This asked that we make an offer to participate in the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) and the Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) which are the government schemes to fund local authorities to receive and support the Afghans evacuated from Kabul during the summer as well as more Afghan citizens whom the government plans to bring to the UK over the coming years.


The council’s response was to confirm our commitment to participating in the ARAP/ARCS by welcoming Afghan citizens and their families to our city. Our response pointed out that we have a nearly unique situation here in the city with four Afghan families already identified for settlement into the city due to one of the adult family members being a Chevening Scholar with a place at the University of Sussex. The City Council therefore confirmed that it would support, under the ARAP/ARCS scheme,  the settlement of these families. Officers are working hard in partnership with the University, the local community and voluntary sector and private landlords to secure accommodation as quickly as possible and set up support for these families and future ones although we have not yet had confirmation that these four families have Thanks ARAP or ARCS status. The city council also confirmed that it expects to participate in the programme beyond these four families however this will be led by available property. We have reached out to local private landlords, philanthropists, VCS and our economic partnership to assist with property and are confident of securing more.


The draft government funding instructions for the ARAP and ACRS were only published on 14/10/21 and officers are working through the detail of these documents. We know that  the government has committed to providing funding on a per head basis for Afghan refugees. Over a three-year period these amount to £20,520 to cover the local authority welcome, integration offer and provision of services, up to £4,500 per child to cover education provision (it is not yet clear whether this is for one or three years), £850 to cover English language provision, for adults requiring this support (year one only)  and £2,600 to cover health provision (year one only). The Government announced a further £17 million fund for additional housing support where subsidies are needed. The draft guidance suggests that the fund is to be used to help local authorities find properties quickly  for large families currently in the bridging hotels by providing top-up funding to meet the gap between the Local Housing Allowance and market rents and also to cover shortfalls in Universal Credit payments which impact on a family’s ability to cover their rent.


(5)      Councillor Platts: Bulky Waste Collections


46.10   Will the Council consider preventative action on fly tipping by putting signage on communal bins that outlines how residents can dispose of bulky waste?  Can this information include what constitutes fly tipping and information for residents who leave usable items by bins thinking those items might be helpful to others, the level of fines for such fly tipping, the website address and phone number for arranging bulky waste collection, contact information for Freegle, Tech Take Back and other low cost means of disposing of waste?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.11   Thank you for your question.


I note that a similar question was put in 2017 at the time when 300 new communal bins were rolled out with new signage. The then lead Councillor Gill Mitchell agreed such signage, signposting people to Freegle and others, would be important to have on the new communal bins, when that round of bins was introduced.


Through the City Environment Modernisation Programme, improvements are still being made to the communal bin system.


As part of this work, Cityclean are looking at signage. The team will consider the ideas as part of the new signage design. This could include, for example, the use of QR codes to direct people to the council website where they can find more information on bulky waste and other services.


In addition to this, promotion of council waste services continues to be a priority of the Managing Waste Responsibly Project, with Cityclean officers working closely with the Communications Team to ensure this is met.


Cityclean has recently started a research project with Keep Britain Tidy specifically regarding student waste.  One of the main focuses of the project will be looking at fly tipping and ways to reduce this. The learning from this project will be able to be implemented to drive change and improvement within this population.


Officers are appreciative of these ideas around this.


(6)      Councillor Platts: Garden Waste Collections


46.12   Some addresses are still not able to access the Council’s garden waste scheme; have no space for home composting and no access to a local composting scheme. Of these some don’t have cars and can’t get to the tip.  I have asked a couple of times, on their behalf, how they are supposed to get rid of garden waste and received no reply. Can the Council please answer this question and confirm when all postcode areas across the City will have access to the garden waste collection scheme or a composting scheme within easy walking distance of their homes? 


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.13   Thank you for your question.


It is acknowledged that some addresses in the city are not suitable for the council’s garden waste collection service via the current wheelie bin system.  Cityclean is looking to expand the service and considering alternative viable options such as paper sack collections or pay-as-you-go schemes.


Initial research of councils that offer sack collections demonstrate there is a need for comprehensive IT systems to schedule ad-hoc collections that suit residents needs and timescales and which integrates and aligns with garden waste operational resource and round structure. As you are aware, Cityclean does not yet have a comprehensive IT system to manage the service and therefore it is unlikely a solution can be offered by the council until the Digital Cityclean project is delivered.


In the meantime, an internet search for garden waste collection services yields a number of companies operating in Brighton & Hove which offer garden waste collection services to residents.


Cityclean continues to work on expanding the reach of the community composting scheme in collaboration with Brighton & Hove Food Partnership. Four new sites have opened so far this year and all locations can be found on the Food Partnership’s website.

(7)      Councillor Platts: Card Incentive Scheme


46.14   The Labour Group submitted a Budget amendment £0.010m one-off allocation to evaluate the creation of a city wide ‘Carbon Partner’ card incentive scheme to encourage residents to move to lower carbon living through Council and private sector support. One of the intentions was to support residents who are getting rid of their cars but still need to get rid of bulky waste and garden waste but can’t access the Council’s garden waste scheme; have no space for home composting and no access to a local composting scheme. Can the Council update with progress on this scheme, given we have identified a solution that would reduce car use and contribute to the circular economy?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.15   Unfortunately, officers have not had the capacity to progress the evaluation of a city wider ‘Carbon Partner’ card over the last few months. However, such a card would be part of the wider Climate Engagement work we do as a city council, and now that a Climate Communications and Engagement lead post has been created there will be more capacity to take forward climate change related behaviour change work.  This will be in collaboration with transport, city environment and other relevant services. It is anticipated that this evaluation work will start in 2022.


(8)      Councillor Platts: Electric Scooters


46.16   Will the Council publish a clear statement of policy about the use of electric scooters in Brighton & Hove?  Due to pilots taking place in other areas and the continued sale of scooters to the public, there is some confusion about whether they are allowed on the public highway. Residents are asking about the process for making them legal, especially now there is a petrol crisis; they also want to know how the Council will be involved in the decision-making process and if the public will be consulted.  Can the Council give the date by when such a statement can be published?


Reply from Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council


46.17   Brighton & Hove is not taking part in the current trials of e-scooters in England. These trials are for hire fleets only and will run until Spring or Summer 2022. No new trials are permitted, so E-scooters will remain illegal to use on the public highway in the city until Parliament passes legislation to legalise them in late 2022 or early 2023. 


Privately owned E-scooters may only be used on private land with the permission of the owner or occupier, and this is the case even in authorities where trials are taking place.


The Council has previously taken part in a Department for Transport consultation on e-scooter use. No Government plans to consult the general public have been announced.


E-scooters will be considered as part of the Bikeshare reorganisation. A report is planned for the 18 January 2022 Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee setting out the legal position, stakeholder responses to date, proposals for a voluntary code of conduct for operators, and changes to existing byelaws which might strengthen police powers to enforce responsible use.


(9)      Councillor Platts: Minibus Route


46.18   The Labour Group submitted a Budget amendment for a circular minibus route around the eastern part of the City to encompass the hilly areas with poor bus services such as Wilson Avenue, Queen’s Park Rd and parts of Hanover & Elm Grove. The idea was for this to run every 15 minutes and link up with the main arterial routes so that people could reduce car use or even feel able to get rid of their cars completely. Please can I have an update on progress?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.19   Officers are drawing up a specification for a route prior to carrying out soft market testing with operators.  A concern in drawing up any route is whether it is commercially viable, and if not, it would require continued support from the Council.  It may also abstract passengers from existing routes affecting their viability at least in the short term.  The costs of a frequent service are as yet not quantifiable but £20K allocated would only be a fraction of the amount needed to run this service annually.


 Under the draft BSIP approved at ETS in September it is proposed that a review of all the supported services be undertaken once future demand is clearer and we know what funding the council will receive from government, such a review will be undertaken in parallel with local bus operators within the Enhanced Partnership. It is also a long-standing aspiration that improvements are made to the frequency of existing supported bus services and that there is more consistency between Sunday and weekday services, and this could bring considerable benefits to parts of the city you refer to.


(10)   Councillor Platts: Community Workshop Proposal, Southwater Close, Craven Vale


46.20   The Council is responsible for a disused storeroom on Housing land at Southwater Close, Craven Vale. According to residents it has been unused for at least thirty years. Craven Vale Community Association wishes to bring a large proportion of the building back into use as a Community Workshop. It was first raised as a possibility with the Council in late 2014, and in April 2015 EDB commissioned a feasibility study for it to be converted, but it was not done as requested.


Members of the Craven Vale Committee met with the Council on site in September 2017 when no insurmountable problems were raised.


EDB commissioned a detailed report from Podium in April 2018. Its report of September 2018 agreed the project was feasible, and CVCA agreed that it would raise the funds to convert the building, with the Council to cover the basic costs of making the building watertight. CVCA was then granted £10,000 by EDB in April 2019 towards the cost of upgrading the building.


Little has happened since. The Council said that it would need a minor planning application because of the change of use, and that it would now need level access from the pavement - not an easy task in Craven Vale but the CVCA Committee suggested a small extra ramped path which was agreed by the Council. In September 2019, the Council obtained a grant of £2,500 from the Environmental Improvements programme to pay for the ramp but said it would need detailed drawings as requested by the Planning Officer.

I believe these drawings are still awaited, and that it has still to go to a preliminary planning meeting more than two years later. Craven Vale CA has had no information now for more than two years and so far, the plan has been awaiting approval for more than six years. Please can we have an update on whether the project is still moving forward? If so, please will the Council set out a clear, written plan of action and undertake to brief Craven Vale CA on the process and expected timeline for completion of the project?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.21   Thank you for your question.


We understand the lack of progress of your longstanding  proposal to create a community workshop in Southwater Close has been the source of frustration for the Craven Vale Residents Association.


However, the pandemic has had a significant negative impact on our ability to progress many less urgent projects owing to other pressing Covid-19 priorities.


Our approach under the Estate Development Budget and Environmental Improvement Budget has been to empower residents to take the lead whilst supporting  with technical advice and input.


However, this is challenging with a project as complex as the CVCA proposal which will require dedicated council officer resource in order to support it.


Some good initial work has been done to establish if the proposal is technically feasible. Officers have worked through legal issues and consulted with the community on the proposal which is broadly supported .


Post pandemic, we now propose to make contact with Craven Vale Community Association to review what resource is required to take this forward and whether this is available at this time in light of our other significant recovery and renewal programme priorities.


(11)   Councillor Platts: Community Drug Impact Co-ordinator and Drugs Summit


46.22   The Labour Group submitted a Budget amendment for a Community Drug Impact Co-ordinator and a Drugs Summit. Please can I have an update on when we expect this post to be filled and an approximate date for holding the Drugs Summit to hear directly from residents about their experiences?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.23   The post has been recruited to and the new drug impact co-ordinator will start on 1st November. We anticipate that the drugs summit will be held spring next year.


(12)   Councillor Platts: Printed Papers for Councillors


46.24   Can the Council confirm the total annual saving that was identified if all Councillors shifted from using printed papers of agendas and reports for working groups, Committees and Full Council and used only online systems instead?  Can the Council state the number of Councillors who have successfully made the transition from paper to digital copies and the actual saving that has been realised?


Reply from Councillor Gibson, Joint Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


46.25   The response could not be provided in time inclusion with the addendum and will be provided to the Councillor following the meeting and listed in the minutes.


(13)   Councillor Platts: Kite Place


46.26   The residents of Kite Place in East Brighton have suffered many problems since moving into their new properties.  These have included ongoing problems of water pressure with residents reporting it can take up to 15 minutes for hot water to come through and up to 2 hours to run a bath as well as toilets not flushing properly. Attempts to fix the water pressure has caused leaks in communal areas. Residents report significant overheating in many flats and communal areas, which makes some residents feel unwell, some need to use fans to cool their flats and this has increased their electricity bills.  The overheating has also caused lifts to breakdown and breakdowns have become a common experience, leaving some residents with disabilities trapped in their flats. Residents have also reported that the floors in their flats are ‘dropping’.  Councillors requested a meeting was held with officers and residents and this took place in August. Can the Council give a clear timeline that shows when the problems will be fully resolved?


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Joint Chair of the Housing Committee


46.27   Thank you for your question.


We are very concerned that some residents have encountered these issues at Kite Place and the Housing and Regeneration teams are working closely together to investigate and resolve them. 




Kite Place East

Inspections are continuing to be undertaken in the properties. Water pressure and the supply of hot water would appear to be the only issues in this block and the remediation upgrade is awaiting a date from the contactors to be confirmed.  Approved works, the replacement of primary pumps and subsequent pipework and electrical alterations to facilitate a better flow rate on the primary pipework circuit. This is to address the issues of the poor hot water supply to the properties within this block.


Kite Place West

Inspections that have been undertaken have shown that the circulation central heating within the block is being interrupted by the entraining of air into the system. Various solutions are being developed to alleviate this problem and a full schedule of remediation will be released shortly.  This work is expected to be completed by mid-December 2021.


In addition, and in order to fully understand the issues and lessons we can learn Housing’s Property & Investment team are undertaking a procurement exercise to appoint independent building surveyors to undertake condition survey of defects noted and reported by residents.  We are currently going through the procurement process with the aim of undertaking full surveys early in the New Year followed by a report in spring 2022.  This will be shared, and actions taken to resolve the issues in line with the survey’s findings.


External consultants will complete the following surveys:

·           Flooring issues to flats

·           Balcony issues with system adopted

·           Review of hairline cracks and minor movement - internal and external

·           Ventilation to flats

·           Overview of windows

·           Overview of solar gain issues

·           Review of the plumbing installation

·           General condition survey


As part of the consultant investigations we will review whether any of these issues are latent defects or covered by warranty.


We are sorry that residents have experienced these issues and want to undertake a thorough investigation to ensure the correct measures are taken to fully resolve them and lessons learnt is taken forward to future projects.


(14)   Councillor Platts: Percival Terrace


46.28   Can the Council confirm whether it is accepted practice for the staff at Percival Terrace to request that residents pay ‘fees’ to them in cash? Can the Council confirm what these fees are for?  A resident has been told they are for ‘maintenance’.


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Joint Chair of the Housing Committee


46.29   Thank you for your question.

I can confirm that there is a service charge of £12.50 per week for a single person at Percival Terrace. This is a contribution towards utility costs. This can be paid directly to the managing agent via cash or bank transfer.

As part of the re-procurement exercise, service charges have been reviewed and will be capped for future contracts. This will also make the process more transparent for our residents.


(15)   Councillor Platts: East Brighton Park


46.30   Can the Council explain why the upper pitch area has been locked up, preventing residents from accessing it? The wire around the outside has now been damaged as people have bent it back to use the area. Will the Council agree to repair this and unlock the pitch?

Can the Council confirm that the toilets in East Brighton Park pavilion have now been added to the cleaning contract as promised?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.31   The 3G pitch at the Stanley Deason Leisure Centre has been closed for refurbishment the contractors are due to hand it back to the Council on the 19th of October


The gardening staff at East Brighton Park have been instructed to clean the toilets following the fun run as they would for a sports booking.


To confirm - the 3G pitch at Stanley Deason Leisure Centre is being upgraded and whilst these works were taking place the area around the pitch was fenced off, as the perimeter fencing to the pitch was itself removed in order to carry out the works.


The fencing to the pitch has also been improved and the renovation is almost complete and will be handed back to  Freedom Leisure who manage the facility on behalf of BHCC. The hand over is scheduled for Tuesday  19 October.

Please note, if residents wish to use the pitch they will need to hire it from Stanley Deason Leisure Centre.


The team that manages the public toilet cleaning contract is not aware of a request to clean the toilets at East Brighton Park pavilion. Any additions to the contract will need a corresponding budget provided to ensure resources are available to clean and maintain them.


(16)   Councillor Platts: Beach Huts


46.32   The Labour Group submitted a Budget amendment for investment in Beach Hut infrastructure and replacement. Beach huts and chalets continue to be in great demand and increasing the numbers available was agreed by all political parties as a way to offer those on the waiting list some hope of one day being able to rent one. Can the Council give an update on progress?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.33   The beach chalet feasibility study identified areas of the eastern seafront where it might be possible to build new beach chalets for rent.  The study looked at different styles of huts and chalets that could be adopted for the new sites.  In order to progress this project an architect will need to develop the concept design to the point of delivery and undertake site investigation works.  A brief for this role is being developed and it is hoped that an architect will be appointed by the end of this year.  Once the detailed design and construction costs have been determined the project proposal will be bought to the TECC Committee for approval to proceed.


(17)   Councillor Platts: Safety on Madeira Drive


46.34   I’ve had cause to raise concerns about public safety on Madeira Drive on several occasions during recent outdoor events. This has included providing photographic evidence of cars and motorbikes in bike lanes, cars and bikes travelling in the wrong direction on the area marked out for vehicles, pedestrians being forced into the road because the pavements have been taken over by scooters and extended café seating areas resulting in cars then encroaching on bike lanes to avoid pedestrians and a lack of safety measures such as clear signage or marshals. Can the Council confirm whether safety measures have been reviewed in light of this information and what action will be taken at future public events to ensure the safety of all users?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.35   Officers are continuously reviewing safety arrangements for all Madeira Drive events given the new layout and operational requirements of the road. Future actions will include beginning the installation of event infrastructure and erection of signage earlier on the first day of event installation to avoid the peak flow of pedestrians and cyclists on Madeira Drive.


           Officers have already met with the manager of the Volks Tavern and the organisers for the Mod Weekender to review arrangements for their event.  This event does not currently receive Landlord’s Consent from the Council but is organised, on an ad-hoc basis, by local businesses and individuals. Officers have indicated that for future events of this type, a stretch of the new cycle lane ( 200 to 300 metres long ) would need to be suspended for the day to accommodate the safe display and parking of scooters. The parking arrangements must be managed by the event organisers, the council can assist by providing barriers.  It should not be necessary to close Madeira Drive to accommodate the event providing the safety requirements requested by officers are put in place.  The closure of Madeira Drive on a Bank Holiday weekend would be unpopular with traders - potentially damaging their trade and losing income to the Council through parking revenues.


(18)   Councillor Platts: Welfare Benefits


46.36   Can the Council confirm the numbers of people in Brighton & Hove:

>     Likely to be affected by the loss of the £20 uplift to Universal Credit? An estimate will be acceptable.

>     Who remain in the City but have not secured pre-settled status without recourse to public funds? An estimate will be acceptable.


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Druitt, Joint Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


46.37   Unfortunately, the information requested is not straightforward to obtain locally but with regard to the number of people likely to be affected by the withdrawal of the £20 per week uplift to Universal Credit, the latest information available from the Department of Work & Pensions shows that as at May 2021 the city had 29,573 claimants. The £20 per week uplift was therefore worth approximately £30.8 million annually to local claimants. Hopefully, Universal Credit claimant numbers are beginning to reduce as some economic and visitor activity has clearly begun to recover across the city, but this is clearly a significant loss of benefit. The recently announced Household Support Fund will only provide £2.1m locally and is clearly not a significant mitigation of the withdrawal of the uplift.


Regarding applicants for settled status, up to the scheme deadline of 30th June 2021 there had been 31,040 local applications with 13,320 of those applicants being granted pre-settled status. However, unfortunately we do not have information about people still needing to submit an application, but I am advised that EU citizens are still able to submit a late application to the scheme if they meet the criteria for “reasonable grounds” for missing the deadline.’

Support is still available to EU citizens needing to apply to the scheme with details available on the council’s webpages: including signposting to a Migrant Help adviser who will be able to assist with developing late applications, particularly where complexities have become apparent.


As immigration advice and caseworker support has been identified as a critical element in assisting people at risk of having no recourse to public funds, the council is also funding application caseworker and outreach support for EU citizens still needing to apply to the scheme.  Development of this support has been led by Cllr Ebel, as the council’s Brexit Leader Member, in partnership with Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove and Voices in Exile.  Funding for this support will come from the council’s remaining Brexit funding.  Signposting information will be shared with all key city stakeholders, including members, and publicised by the council once the support goes live. 


(19)   Councillor Platts: Cleaning and Graffiti in the East of the City


46.38   There has been much coverage of cleaning the City centre as the entrance to visitors; however, the outer Wards are also being blighted by graffiti and stickers. Can the Council confirm what the plan is to tackle graffiti and what preventative action is being taken?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.39   Thank you for your question.


The council removes offensive graffiti from all types of property across all parts of the city and aim to do this within 24 hours of it occurring. However, for other types of graffiti, Cityclean is only legally able to remove where it is on public property.


At Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee in September 2020, the Environmental Enforcement Team were given new powers to issue Community Protection Notices for graffiti which enforce property owners across the city to take greater responsibility to remove graffiti or face fines and legal action for not doing so. Procedures to manage these processes are currently being developed and once finalised, the new enforcement approach will be implemented. This new approach has been designed to encourage the timely removal of graffiti from private property across all areas of the city.


The Environmental Enforcement Team also use mobile CCTV units which are placed in graffiti hot spots to act as deterrents and to fine and prosecute those caught committing offenses.


A report on fly-posting, which includes stickers, is to be brought to a future meeting of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee. This will include options for further enforcement measures relating to this. At present, a person has to be caught in the act of flyposting or stickering, which makes it difficult to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice to the culprits. Other means are being explored such as issuing fines to the company or promoter pertaining to the poster or sticker.


These activities are being delivered alongside the continued implementation of the Graffiti Reduction Strategy.


(20)   Councillor Platts: Brighton Marathon & 10k


46.40   Brighton Marathon weekend was a joyful occasion, it was good to welcome its return and I was pleased to participate.  I was, however, concerned by news reports that the Marathon distance was measured incorrectly and to receive an email from the organisers to say they had not applied for UKA (UK Athletics) affiliation. I understand this was due to the event being organised at short notice and the organisers were hoping to put in place a license retrospectively. UKA affiliation will be important to those hoping to qualify for other events. Can the Council confirm what action has been taken to resolve both issues which could affect future participation?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.41   Officers have spoken to the Brighton Marathon organisers about this year’s event.  They are upset and apologetic that the course was too long.  Whilst it was measured correctly, using the usual GPS tracking system, it was put out incorrectly on the day, a simple human error.


The organisers have been in touch with their peers in the major marathon group and are working on a system where a time will be calculated from this year’s event to enable competitors to register with other marathons such as London, Liverpool, Manchester and even Chicago should they so wish. The absence of a licence does not affect this.


They have already applied for the licence for 2022.


There is a full operational debrief for Brighton Marathon 2021 on Tuesday 19th October where the issues of the course and the licence are on the agenda.


(21)   Councillor Allcock: Use and Cost of Agency Staff

46.42   What is the total additional cost to the Council of using agency staff for financial years?

•    2018 to 2019

•    2019 to 2020

•    2020 to 2021

What agencies were used during these financial years and where are their corporate offices located?


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Druitt, Joint Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee


Agency Name

Head Office Address




3D Recruit Ltd

Regent House, Mitre Way, Battle, East Sussex, England, TN33 0BQ




BetterHealth Care

11-15 St Mary at Hill, London EC3R 8EE




Blue Arrow

800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3BA





Unit 20a Tims Boatyard, Tims Way, Staines, England, TW18 3JY




Carbon60 Limited

800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3BA




Caritas Recruitment

4 Coleman St, London EC2R 5AR




Carrington West Ltd

Building 1000, Lakeside North Harbour, Western Rd, Portsmouth PO6 3EN




Casgo Connections Ltd

60 Lansdowne Pl, Hove BN3 1FG




Direct QSW

800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3BA




Fircroft Engineering Services Limited

The Pinnacle, 170 Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 1BP




FPR Group

22 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XA




Guidant Group Direct - CST

800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3BA




Hanover Care Limited

71 Church Rd, Hove BN3 2BB




Liquid Personnel LTD

Sevendale House, Dale Street, Manchester, M1 1JB




Logic Engagements Ltd

45/47 High Street, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3DP




Lorien Resourcing

107 Leadenhall St, London EC3A 4AF




Macdonald and Company Freelance LTD

2 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, London W1S 1BX UK




Matchtech Group

1450 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AF




Morgan Hunt (SP)

9th Floor, 125 London Wall London, EC2Y 5AS




Morgan McKinley (SP)

1 Milkhouse Gate, Guildford GU1 3EZ




Networkers Recruitment Services Ltd

1450 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AF




Osborne Richardson

3rd Floor, 66-68 Margaret Street, London, Greater London, W1W 8SR




Permanent Futures Ltd

19 New Street, Leeds, LS18 4BH




Personnel Selection Associates Limited

3 High Street, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6BG




Premier Group Recruitment Limited (SP)

2nd Floor, Finsbury House, 23 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7EA




Project Management On Demand

4 Hoewood Small Dole, Henfield, West Sussex, England, BN5 9YR




Sanctuary Social Care Ltd

15 Friars Street. Ipswich. IP1 1TD




Sellick Partnership LTD

Queens Court 24 Queen Street Manchester M2 5HX




Service Care Solutions LTD

Arthur House, 12-13 Starkie Street, Preston, PR1 3LU




Seven Social Care Ltd

2nd Floor, Oberon House (B67), Adastral Park, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP5 3RE




SOLOS Consultants Ltd

Main Rd, Watnall NG16 1LA




Staff Now Ltd

Hanover House, 118, Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG




Stride Recruitment

Quay Point, 1 Northarbour Rd, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 3TD




Tate Herts Service Delivery

800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3BA




Tempest Resourcing LTD

2nd floor, 6 Gracechurch St, London EC3V 0AT




Tripod Partners

National House, Wardour Street, Soho, London, W1F 0TA




Vector Recruitment Solutions Ltd

30 Holmethorpe Avenue, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 2NL





(22)   Councillor Grimshaw: School Uniforms


46.43   Have our local LA schools have any feedback on numbers of parents asking for financial support to provide uniforms? If so how many and what was the response?

How many families have been supported with assistance to purchase uniforms for the Sept 2021 term? 


Reply from Councillor Clare, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


46.44   We don’t have specific numbers of parents who have asked for financial support to purchase uniform, either in the past or since September 2021. Most schools donate uniform directly to pupils or their families on an ad hoc basis, and this is not typically recorded. Where financial support is provided to buy uniform this would be recorded, but not outside of the school setting.

As has been previously reported to Children, Young People and Skills Committee, the Local Authority has little power over the cost of school uniforms. This is down to individual schools.


(23)   Councillor O’Quinn: Recycling Rates


46.45   What were the recycling rates for the first 6 months of 2021 in Brighton and Hove?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.46   Thank you for your question.


The recycling rate from January to June 2021 was 30.3%. However, caution should be taken with this figure.


A 12-month rolling total is a more accurate way of understanding the recycling rate as some recycling is seasonal e.g. garden waste, Christmas, the spring rush at Household Waste Recycling Sites and the leaf content in mechanical street sweepings.


The most up-to-date data submitted to DEFRA is a 29.7% recycling rate from July 2020 to June 2021.


(24)   Councillor Childs: Divestment


46.47   In view of the recent acquisition of Newcastle Utd football club, by the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund, will the Council, in line with its commitment to women’s, LGBT and human rights, write to the Chair of the Club, as well and BH Albion, to make clear that they are not welcome in our city until the Saudi Fund divests in full from the team?


Reply from Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council


46.48   The response could not be provided in time inclusion with the addendum and will be provided to the Councillor following the meeting and listed in the minutes.


(25)   Councillor Childs: Asbestos


46.49   Given that there is no safe level of asbestos exposure and that children are uniquely vulnerable will the Council agree to commit to remove all blue and brown asbestos from area occupied by children in our school and nursery estate by 2030?


Reply from Councillor Clare, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


46.50   The HSE do not support wholesale removal of asbestos from school buildings. One of their basic principles is that asbestos should not be removed unnecessarily, and that removal can carry more risks than leaving it in place and managing it as set out in the Control Of Asbestos Regulation 2021 – HSE.  This is the approach that the Council follows, and asbestos is robustly and actively managed in our school buildings.   


The council manages asbestos through non-intrusive asbestos surveys of its Estate and school portfolio that identify elements that may/or may not contain asbestos. These surveys give an indication only and whenever we undertake works to school buildings, we commission further intrusive asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition (R & D) surveys to enable us to know whether asbestos is present or not and what type of asbestos. Once known we can plan removal if required as part of the proposed works contract under controlled conditions that comply with the Asbestos Legislation.


It is impossible to quantify the scale and cost of removing all blue and brown asbestos from school buildings since the full extent of the asbestos content is unknown. This can only be found out through full intrusive surveys of the school Estate and is an approach that would carry great risks, the cost and disruption to schools would be enormous too and it is not recommended by the HSE.


The current risk assessed approach that the council adopts for managing asbestos in schools is recommended by the HSE, contains the risks of exposure and protects occupants of the schools.


It should also be noted that the Council sits on the DfE’s Asbestos in Schools steering group and our approach to managing Asbestos in Schools is in line with their approach and the HSE’s.


(26)   Councillor Childs: Air Pollution


46.51   When and how will the council take decisive action to address the issue of unacceptable air pollution in London Road and Rottingdean High Street and in what timescales will this occur?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.52   I am pleased to be able to report that our monitoring in Rottingdean High Street has recently shown evidence of compliance with national air quality standards, but some further continued improvement is required before we can confirm that levels are below the threshold that does not require an Air Quality Management Area.  I am sure that our partnership working at a local level with the parish and ward councillors and the community on traffic management measures has helped to achieve this.


Although monitoring on London Road (near Queen’s Place & Oxford Place) continues to show Nitrogen Dioxide levels which are greater than national standards, there has been some long term improvement.  This is positive news and in this busy area, the investment in, and introduction of, hybrid buses by the main bus company will help bring down emissions further.  The continued programme of upgrading older buses with exhaust technology that we have successfully secured funding for from the government will also make a continued difference and help move towards compliance. 


The preparation of a new Air Quality Action Plan, which will be available for consultation in the coming months, will set out comprehensive proposals and options to tackle sources and quantities of emissions that are harmful to public health, especially in the more confined spaces that you mentioned.  The speed at which we can achieve the improvements needed in air quality will vary from area to area because each one is different. What is important is that we continue to work together in partnership to address this issue and ensure that we have enough officer resource and funding to do so. Everybody has a part to play.  Raising awareness of the effects of individuals’ travel decisions on other people’s health is really important and encouraging and enabling travel behaviour change is critical.  Reducing the need to travel by car, shifting to sustainable transport options for some journeys and enabling greater use of cleaner, low or zero emission vehicles is the way forward and these themes are at the heart of the new emerging Local Transport Plan, which is out for consultation now.


(27)   Councillor Childs: Radon


46.53   Several areas of our city fall into medium risk areas of radon exposure. What action will the Council take to ensure:

a) All schools located in medium risk areas are tested for radon levels and subject to suitable abatement measures should levels exceed PHEs ‘target level’;

b) New planning applications in medium radon risk areas ensure appropriate testing and mitigation.


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.54   The cost of a precautionary approach needs to be balanced with other priorities. The British Geological Survey categorizes radioactive risk level based on solid rock and drift geology maps that the Council has on GIS layer. Radon is unlikely to arise from Brighton & Hove’s chalk. It is low risk, particularly compared to parts of Cornwall and Derbyshire and is unlikely to require mitigation other than ventilation.


Funds are available to schools in England to monitor CO2 and air quality and this can be secured by individual schools if they considered any risks need to be tested. There is also potential for Radon monitoring to be adopted into the city’s wider air quality monitoring strategy where this achieves a good value price.

Public Health England is the UK’s specialist on radon and radiation protection. They have produced a Radon Action Plan (2018) and database, including identifying radon ‘Affected Areas’ - where at least 1% of homes are expected to be above the radon Action Level (200Bq m-3). These areas are published online (, and include parts of Brighton & Hove, on the outskirts of the built-up area.  More generally, PHE runs programmes to encourage the remediation of affected homes in these areas where it is considered necessary, as set out in the Radon Action Plan.

In terms of new build, this is managed through Building Regulations. Where subsoil conditions indicate radon is an issue, buildings may be required to be constructed with protective measures to prevent radon ingress. This is normally a gas-resistant barrier at ground level.

(28)   Councillor Childs: Lead


46.55  Lead has long been known to harmful to young children, yet a large number of Council schools contain large amounts of lead paint in poor condition. What action will the Council take to audit the risk of lead contamination in our city schools and what action will be taken to put in place appropriate abatement measures to protect children?


Reply from Councillor Clare, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


46.56   Advice from the HSE website on lead paint confirms that lead pigments were widely used in paints for homes, schools, offices etc. until the 1960s. It was not removed from all commonly used paint until the early 1980s therefore it could be found underneath existing paintwork in older buildings, but no modern specification would include applying lead paint.  In terms of the council specifications for works to school buildings, we assess the risk on a case-by-case audit basis and make the worst scenario assumption that all painted surfaces could contain lead and must be prepared or removed before redecoration, using methods and correct PPE that does not create dust in accordance within HSE guidance/Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 and sealed with a modern paint finish.


Please note we could in conjunction with H & S colleagues look to offer more guidance to schools regarding lead paint and how to manage and specify redecoration works. To undertake an audit of painted surfaces in all of our schools would potentially be a difficult process and expensive, as multiple paint samples would have to be taken and a risk assessment-based approach as described above is more manageable for all parties.


(29)   Councillor Childs: Changing Places


46.57   Will the Council agree to provide a Changing Places toilet at Black Rock station as part of the regeneration project in this area?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.58   The Black Rock project is a landscaping and civil engineering project.  It has one small new build classroom, and the footprint allows for 4 public toilets at one end.  These are urgently needed to serve the eastern seafront area.   It is not possible to amend this as all the detailed design is now complete, and there is no space or funding to redesign it.


We will ensure the future development brief for Black rock includes provision for a changing places toilet.


Nearest changing places toilets are at the Colonnade.


(30)   Councillor Childs: Upper Rock Gardens


46.59   Upper Rock Gardens, Kemp Town, has long been misused by street drinkers and those engaged in anti-social behaviour. Will the Council agree to have the area fenced off until a longer-term decision is made on the future of this area?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.60   The response could not be provided in time inclusion with the addendum and will be provided to the Councillor following the meeting and listed in the minutes.


(31)   Councillor Childs: St James Street


46.61   Despite platitudes over many years, anti-social behaviour, drug crime and aggressive begging continue to plague St James St area. Will the Council arrange to meet with local councillors and Sussex Police to call for a zero-tolerance policy in the area?


Reply from Councillor Deane, Chair of the Licensing Committee


46.62   The response could not be provided in time inclusion with the addendum and will be provided to the Councillor following the meeting and listed in the minutes.


(32)   Councillor Childs: Parking Meters


46.63   Council parking meters frequently prevent residents paying for the actual time used and instead for blocks of one or two hours presumably in order to extract further money from hard pressed residents. This is not the case in adjoining areas. Will the Council agree to recalibrate all meters, as is entirely possible, to allow residents to pay for actual time used in units of 15 minutes or at least for each separate hour?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.64   The tariffs available on the P&D machines and by PaybyPhone reflect the fees and charges agreed at ETS Committee and then ultimately at Budget Council. This is, therefore, a proposal for consideration as part of the fees and charges setting budget process where changes to the fee tariffs can be reviewed and evaluated.


(33)   Councillor Childs: Freshfield Road


46.65   Please can an update on the development of the Freshfield Rd Industrial Estate be provided?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.66   The last contact we had was in relation to the redevelopment of the Gala Bingo Hall was in 2018 but this has gone no further.


There are no updates regarding this. There have been no pre-application enquiries, planning applications, or informal discussions for some years.


(34)      Councillor Childs: Queen’s Park Fountain


46.67   Will the Council provide funding to renovate the listed Queens Park public drinking fountain which has fallen into a parlous state of repair and appearance?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.68   A bid has been made to fund maintenance costs of the Queens Park fountain from the Corporate Plan delivery risk provision which was set aside from the 2020/21 revenue underspend. The member Budget Review Group has asked for more information on this which is currently being collated and is expected to be considered by BRG in November.


If this bid is successful it will be used to survey the structure and see what refurbishment can be done within the funds made available.


(35)   Councillor Childs: Bonfire Events


46.69   Will the Council make a public statement and write to neighbouring local authorities and Sussex Police condemning anti-Catholic sectarian statements and imagery that frequently appear at County-wide bonfire events and request that action be taken to prevent and/or deal with such bigotry occurring at otherwise enjoyable family events?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.70   The  Council is pleased to confirm that we will be putting out a public statement encouraging residents to have a fun, safe and considerate Bonfire night.  We respect and value the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all our residents and support everyone to feel safe and free from harm in their homes and neighbourhoods. Therefore, as well as urging people to refrain from burning effigies which can cause offence and harm to residents that have experienced hate due to their identity,  our inclusive statement will also reference consideration of our veterans and others that that have experienced the trauma of conflict and ask people to support locally organised events rather than setting off spontaneous and random fireworks close to homes. 


We are happy to write to neighbouring local authorities to encourage considerate and inclusive bonfire events. 


(36)   Councillor Childs: Pepperpot


46.71   What plans does the Council have for the Pepperpot and will it engage with the Friends of the Pepperpot and other residents to secure a more meaningful future for this listed building?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.72   The Pepperpot is currently in poor repair with a temporary internal scaffold to enable safe access. This Listed Building requires significant investment to secure a sustainable future.


Previous options working in collaboration with Friends of the Pepperpot and residents have looked at marketing it for potential commercial uses such as a  café seeking investment to refurbish the ground floor area and/or working with other organisations to seek grant funding (i.e. the Landmark Trust) for significant investment into the whole structure as a potential holiday lets. Unfortunately all these attempts were unsuccessful.


Future plans had therefore been put on hold and we will re-engage with the Friends of the Pepperpot to start the conversation on exploring possible options, uses and investment opportunities to secure a more meaningful future for the Listed Building.   


(37)   Councillor Childs: Parking Permits


46.73   When will the chaos in the parking permit system, that has caused stress and misery for residents across Queens Park Ward, end? And will residents be promised waivers for PCNs issued as a result of the Council’s failure to operate a basic and functioning permit issuing system?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.74   A detailed Member Briefing was circulated on 12th October by the Head of Parking which gives a clear picture of the problems, what caused them, what we’re doing to resolve them, and how we might reduce the likelihood of them recurring in future.  In terms of waivers when these circumstances arise, the PCN Appeals & Bailiff team cancel the PCN.  However, the customer does need to appeal the PCN for us to know there’s an issue, and  to be able to follow the legal rules around cancelling PCNs correctly.


(38)   Councillor Childs: Pedestrian Crossing


46.75   Will the Council install a proper pedestrian crossings at the junction of St James St and Upper Rock Gardens?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.76   Planned maintenance work to the traffic signals at the junction of St James St/Upper Rock Gardens/Lower Rock Gardens is set to replace the existing signal equipment.  During the course of this work we will be taking the opportunity to improve the existing facilities including adding signalised pedestrian crossings to the remaining three arms of the junction.   This works is being funded through a combination of the council’s routine signal maintenance and LTP intelligent transport system budgets. Work is currently expected to start around the 15th November although this date may vary depending on other maintenance schemes currently in progress elsewhere in the city. We are conscious of the proximity of these works to the shopping area and church so up to Christmas we will only be carrying out tasks that can be covered up and removed from mid-December onwards and the existing signals will not be removed until after the Christmas period.


(39)   Councillor Wilkinson: Cycle Hangars


46.77   In March of this year I asked if there were any plans to install cycle hangers across the city and if so, how many cycle hangars will be installed/are estimated to be installed across the city in 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24. I was informed that provision had been made for 100 cycle hangars. A Cycle Hangar survey is currently available to assess demand for secure on-street cycle parking that will be solely reserved for residents. Does the Chair of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee believe that 100 cycle hangars is enough for our city and if the survey indicates a much greater demand, how will the council meet this need?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.78   With many residents living in shared accommodation, flats or houses where storage space is at a premium, it can be difficult to find secure cycle storage. This can be a major barrier to those wishing to travel by bike. Storage can be especially challenging if you use an adapted cycle. People can also face difficulties manoeuvring their cycles from inside their home onto the street outside.

Currently Council Officers are in the process of tendering the fore mentioned 100 cycle hangars to be installed and once the survey asking for residents to express interest has concluded on the 14th November 2021 an assessment will be made of this demand. 

Once the 100 hangars start to be installed it will be determined as to what further provisions can be provided should demand for more be seen. Of course 100 is not going to be enough, I would like to see at least 1 on every street across Brighton and Hove.


(40)   Councillor Wilkinson: Fly-tipping


46.79   Can the Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee please inform me as to how many prosecutions have occurred across the city in the previous 12 months in relation to kerbside/street fly-tipping?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.80  Between 1st April 2020 and 31st March 2021, 499 Fixed Penalty Notices were issues for fly-tipping. Of these:

·                202 have been paid

·                92 are subject to payment plans

·                130 are awaiting prosecution

·                75 were rescinded. This could have been due to vulnerability or lack of evidence


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to delays in cases going to court.


Since 1st April 2021, 257 Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued for fly

tipping. Of these:

·                105 have been paid

·                37 are subject to payment plans

·                56 are awaiting prosecution

·                59 have been rescinded



(41)   Councillor Wilkinson: Graffiti Enforcement


46.81   Graffiti across Brighton and Hove is becoming an increasing blight on our city. It is clearly a problem that is out of control. Can the Chair of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee please inform me as to how many prosecutions have occurred across the city in the previous 12 months for this act of criminal damage and does the Chair agree with me that the council should now establish an Anti-graffiti Working Group to tackle this issue?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.82   Thank you for your question.


In recognition of the graffiti problem across the city, Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee agreed the Graffiti Reduction Strategy in November 2019.


The strategy has four workstreams of prevention, removal, enforcement and monitoring/measuring.  Unfortunately, work was paused due to the pandemic however has now restarted in earnest progressing the actions within the project plan in conjunction with the police, stakeholders, businesses and residents.


Recent activities with stakeholders across the city include attendance at the Joint Action Group.  These meetings are co-chaired by the Chief Inspector of Sussex Police and the Safer Communities Manager from the council and is attended by many city stakeholders. The meeting allows for multi-agency round table discussion and collaborative problem solving for issues of anti-social behaviour, including graffiti.  Through this joined up approach we are able to ensure that actions that are taken to address these issues are as robust and effective as possible.


Officers have already met with many local community and resident associations including the North Laine Community Association and The Roundhill Society, as well as individual residents, to understand the issues faced to ensure work being developed through the Graffiti Reduction Strategy is correctly aligned.  Additionally, officers have also supported with lighting, signage and potential new planting to deter graffiti vandals in hotspot areas. Community clean ups have also been enabled in some parts of the city.

At Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee in September 2020, the Environmental Enforcement Team were given new powers to issue Community Protection Notices for graffiti which enforce property owners across the city to take greater responsibility to remove graffiti or face fines and legal action for not doing so. Procedures to manage these processes are currently being developed and once finalised, the new enforcement approach will be implemented. This new approach has been designed to encourage the timely removal of graffiti from private property across all areas of the city.


The Environmental Enforcement Team also use mobile CCTV units which are placed in graffiti hot spots to act as deterrents and to fine and prosecute those caught committing offenses.


As part of Cityclean’s prevention work, a new mural has recently been completed at The Level.  The artwork, painted by a local artist and designed by young people on the theme of Biodiversity, was commissioned by Octopus Energy and will be digitally displayed at the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November.


The Environmental Enforcement Team continue to adapt their graffiti patrols based on intelligence on graffiti vandalism activities from the public and local action groups. New mobile CCTV units have been placed in graffiti hotspots to support this process.  Environmental Enforcement Officers also liaise closely with the dedicated graffiti officers within Sussex Police on a regular basis undertaking joint patrols and sharing intelligence to maximise our chances in catching those responsible.  Additional funding was also put in the last budget to support graffiti removal work.


I do not believe it is necessary to establish an anti-graffiti working group given all the engagement work already in train.


(42)   Councillor Yates: Bin Strike


46.83   Can the current Leader of the Council clarify what action he took when the last Green Administration faced a similar bin strike in the city, on behalf of his Administration?


Reply from Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council


46.84   In both the disputes of 2013 and 2021 I have been consistent in working to advance an end to the dispute, listen to the workforce and residents alike and champion a fairer city council. In 2019 during the last Labour administration, following a request I also attended a negotiation meeting between the GMB and Labour group during the dispute over Pride, when ACAS were called in. 


(43)   Councillor Barnett: St Helens Green, Hangleton - Rewilding


46.85   The Council has started leaving large patches of St Helens Green in Hangleton uncut.


This is unpopular with residents, who have reported that the uncut areas are being used a toilet for pet dogs, detracting from the local amenity.

St Helens Green is a conservation area and residents were not informed about the Council’s rewilding policy.  The Green is faced onto by many residents’ bungalows who want to see it well-kept as it used to be and visually appealing but now consider it to be an eyesore.

Can the Council: 

a.  Arrange to have the grass cut and return St Helens Green to its previous state so that can be enjoyed by all.

b.  In future consult residents before introducing rewilding trials.


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee



46.86   The only wilding project currently being undertaken by the council is at Waterhall Golf Course as agreed by the TEC Committee.


In line with the 2017 Open Spaces Strategy Cityparks are continuing to encourage habitats and opportunities for wildlife to thrive within all of our open spaces including our parks and gardens.  As part of the feedback to our public consultation for the Open Spaces Strategy 70% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that we should cut verges less often and I believe these respondents would also support longer grass in parks. I am aware that there are residents who want to see close mown grass there are also a lot of people who want us to increase the biodiversity of our parks and open spaces and support the move away from close mowing the majority of our grass.


(44)   Councillor Lewry: Local Infrastructure Improvements, Hangleton & Knowll


46.87   Please can you provide a progress update, including expected completion dates, for the following local projects in my ward of Hangleton & Knoll: 

a.  Greenleas Park - Installation of bigger capacity bins

b.  Knoll Park – Installation of bigger capacity bins

c.   Hangleton Park

i      Resurfacing of multipurpose play area with new astro-turf

ii     Replacement of damaged hoardings

iii    Installation of new basketball nets

iv    Installation of Zip wire


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.88   Through the delivery of the Bin Infrastructure Action Plan, Cityclean will be introducing on-the-go recycling bins within the city’s Parks. The project is beginning with an initial group of pilot sites which includes Hove Park, Stanmer Park, Preston Park, Saltdean Oval, Valley Gardens, Wish Park, and St Ann’s Well Gardens.


The introduction of on-the-go recycling bins will increase the capacity available for residents and visitors to dispose of litter. The implementation of these bins is not as simple as just placing the bins. Appropriate consideration and planning needs to go into assuring suitable and regular collections.


Consequently, the project is beginning by deploying new bins to a pilot site - Wish Park/Aldrington Rec. This will allow Cityclean to assess the effectiveness of the planned service delivery model and refine it, prior to rolling it to the other pilot sites.


Also as part of the Bin Infrastructure Strategy, Cityclean is reviewing the locations of dog waste bins and seeking to replace with normal litter bins, which can also be used for dog waste. Normal litter bins are larger than dog waste bins and so through this piece of work, there is likely to be an increase in capacity for Greenleas Park and Knoll Park.


At this stage we are not putting bigger bins in either Greenleas or Knoll Park. The existing bins are the maximum size that can be emptied by hand, larger bins need to be mechanically emptied. Some of the bis are in poor condition these will be replaced in the next 6 months but with bins of a similar size. Going forward we will be looking at how we deal with parks litter with the aim of increasing recycling and at this stage we will also consider mechanised bin collection which would enable larger bins to be used.


Hangleton Park playground is scheduled to be replaced in April/May 2022 and this refurbishment will include the installation of a zip wire.


Cityparks has no budget or plans to refurbish the astro-turf pitch at Hangleton Park officers will continue to explore any additional funding that may become available to do this.


(45)   Councillor Mears: Disability Beach Access Ramp East of the City


46.89   In the City Budget negotiations earlier in the year, the Conservative Group worked with the Administration to ensure a sum of £30,000 was included for a beach disability access ramp in the east of the city. The ramp is needed to address an accessibility gap in Brighton and Hove, with all the existing ramps currently located in the west of the city.


A beach access ramp would help people with a disability in the east of the city enjoy access to the coastline. Talking to residents in the east of the city, they are very keen to see such a ramp at Rottingdean Beach or Saltdean Beach to give disabled people in this vicinity access to the beach to be able to enjoy family outings.

I know that the Chair is strongly supportive of improved beach access for the disabled and shares the view of disability groups that there is inadequate provision in the east compared to the west and an accessibility gap.

Can the Chair of the Tourism, Equalities Communities and Culture committee:

                    i.          Provide an update on what the total beach access strategy looks like for the city’s sea border so that access solutions are provided along the full stretch and all locations are equally provided for.

                   ii.          Confirm how many disability beach access ramps currently exist in Brighton and Hove and their locations.

                 iii.          Commit to progressing the £30,000 project over the winter months so that the new access ramp can be in place for people in the east of the city to enjoy by summer 2022; and

                 iv.          Ensure that local disability groups, including BADGE and the Brighton Beach Access Team, are fully consulted in choosing the location for this budgeted item.

                  v.          Advise whether a beach accessibility officer is currently employed by Brighton and Hove City Council.


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.90   Beach Access Team Brighton & Hove is a campaign group run by a small number of volunteers, all of whom have a disability or who provide care for somebody who does. The council has been actively working with the Beach Access Team for several years to bring about real and tangible access improvements on our beaches and seafront. 


This year has seen a number of small interventions which have helped to improve access on the seafront, these include a trial of 2 seasonal pathways to the high-water mark, the opening of a new Changing Places facility at the Shelter Hall public toilets, new accessible seating and picnic tables, accessible beach platform by Brighton Seafront Office and the design of manufacture of a bespoke electric beach wheelchair which will be ready for next summer. 


Alongside these improvements the team have been focusing on a site in Hove to develop an accessible beach deck to improve access onto the shingle.  This was the site chosen by the public following a consultation event in August 2018 however, this project still requires funding. Now that funding is available for a ramp in the eastern seafront the council and Beach Access Team will investigate the options for a suitable design and location in Saltdean or Rottingdean.


In terms of the longer-term strategy, an accessible boardwalk from Black Rock to Banjo Groyne is in the process of being built and should be complete by the end of this year.  The Sea Lanes development is also due to be completed next year and this will include a Changing Places facility and pathway across the shingle to facilitate easier access to the shoreline.  Over the winter the council and Beach Access Team will be reviewing the feedback from this years’ trial of the beach mat pathways to consider if temporary pathways are a viable option and whether these can be expanded to additional locations.


It is the aim of the council and the Beach Access Team to provide a variety of interventions across all areas of our seafront to offer solutions, wherever possible, to improve access for all.  The needs, aspirations and abilities of our residents and visitors are wide ranging.  Therefore, there is not a ‘once size fits all’ solution to the difficulties encountered when accessing our shingle beaches.  Some disabled people have expressed a desire to be able to independently get down to the sea to swim, while others just want to be able to get onto the beach to spend time with friends and family.


The council acknowledges that we are still a long way off from a viable solution which enables disabled people to access all areas of our beaches or the sea independently.  The main reason for this is due to the complexities created from our shingle beaches and particular seafront environment,  However, we are committed to exploring new ideas and technology and working creatively to overcome these issues.


(46)   Councillor Bagaeen: Health Services


46.91   If local GPs continue to refuse to see people face-to-face, this will mean that local inequities in the city will be magnified again and again.


Will this Administration stand up for patients whose voices all too often are not heard in this city, and will the administration press its partner, the clinical commissioning group, and insist that GPs see all patients face to face without a triage screening first?


Reply from Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council


46.92   You sit on the Health and Wellbeing Board and of course in such a position can ask the Clinical Commissioning Group CCG through those meetings.


Local GPs and their practice teams are working incredibly hard to provide care and support for their patients, provide appointments on a day-to-day basis that work best for the needs of the patient and keep everyone safe, address the ongoing health checks and reviews that are due as a result of the pandemic, and lead the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccination programme and the seasonal flu vaccinations.


It is important to be clear that GP practices are not refusing face to face care; every patient is assessed based on their need and anyone who needs to be seen face to face will be offered this type of consultation.


Demand for NHS services is high but in the latest data, in August alone, more than 717,725 appointments took place – 58.5% of which were face to face and that rate is increasing (57% in July). As well as face to face appointments, GP practices are also offering phone and video appointments – options to keep patients safe and provide more flexibility for those who don’t need to be seen on site.


The Clinical Commissioning Group has been asked to provide some data: they work closely with GP practices in the city to make sure that they are providing the best possible care to their patients, and that the available consultations meet the needs of their patients. In September they agreed £3.6 million in resilience monies and a £16 million investment package for general practice to be spent in this financial year. Following the publication of the NHS England and Improvement guidance last week, there is currently focused work to understand what is working well, what is best practice and where improvements can be made for the benefit of the city’s residents.


The Health Secretary, Sajid Javid promised GPs and their practices £26M yet only a few days ago made funding conditional on increasing the number of patients who get an in-person appointment. According to the BMA, of the 29 initiatives just seven may provide some limited or new support for general practice and these won’t go far enough. The BMA described the move as a “government completely out of touch with the scale of the crisis on the ground.”


I support the BMA’s #SupportYourSurgery campaign which seeks to end the scapegoating of GPs, stop abuse of the NHS workforce and for urgent investment in primary care. I would encourage all councillors to do so too.


(47)   Councillor Peltzer Dunn: Pavements


46.93   Can the Chair of the Committee advise:

a)  What are the total lengths of pavement within the city under the responsibility of Brighton and Hove City Council?

b)  How many claims have been made to the Council in respect of injuries caused through pavement accidents in the following municipal years:

i      2018-19

ii     2019-20

iii    2020-21

iv    2021-2 (to date)

c)  How many such claims have been upheld in the last twelve months and how many are outstanding?

d)  How many operatives are clearing the pavements of weeds?

e)  What proportion of streets have had their weeds cleared?

f)   What plans have been made to address the outstanding problems this year

g)  What changes are planned for next year to avoid this year’s problem?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.94   a)    What are the total lengths of pavement within the city under the responsibility of Brighton and Hove City Council?

There is 975.67km of footway in the city


b)     How many claims have been made to the Council in respect of injuries caused through pavement accidents in the following municipal years:

a.  2018-192018-19 60 Claims

b.  2019-20 55 Claims

c.   2020-21 45 Claims

d.  2021-2 (to date) 31 Claims


c)      How many such claims have been upheld in the last twelve months and how many are outstanding?

0 Payments (upheld claims) to a claimant as a result of an injury caused through pavement accidents. There are currently 37 Claims open with outstanding reserves.


d)     How many operatives are clearing the pavements of weeds?

Weed spraying has been replaced with 6 additional seasonal staff. On top of this, we have 160 street staff who clean the streets including detritus, leaves and weeds. Contractors also support the process.


e)     What proportion of streets have had their weeds cleared?

20 to 30% of the city


f)       What plans have been made to address the outstanding problems this year?

Many different types of machinery were trialled including different processes for weed removal. Benchmarking with other local authorities to identify solutions, including new types of machinery. Engagement with councillors and community clean-up groups continues.


g)     What changes are planned for next year to avoid this year’s problem?


A new mechanical weed ripper/sweeper is being ordered that will allow better removal from open spaces and wide footways such as Old Shoreham Road and New Church Road.  In addition, there is a plan to replace the push weed ripper with strimmers which increase the effectiveness in terms of transport and manoeuvring.  


(48)   Councillor Theobald: Patcham Community Centre


46.95   When will One Parking Solution be implemented at Patcham Community Centre?  Patcham Community Centre and Patcham Councillors have been requesting One Parking Solution since before lockdown, because if it is not implemented this invaluable community resource will be in danger of closing down.


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.96   The response could not be provided in time inclusion with the addendum and will be provided to the Councillor following the meeting and listed in the minutes.


(49)   Councillor Nemeth: Active Travel Schemes


46.97   How much expenditure has been incurred on the following active travel measures:

a)  Old Shoreham Road Temporary Cycle Lane:

i     Installation

ii    Removal

b)  A259 Temporary Cycle Lane:

i      Installation

ii     Removal

c)  Madeira Drive closure scheme:

i       Installation

ii      Maintenance (including staffing costs at entry points)

iii     Removal

iv       Repurposing to new configuration.


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee



a)     Old Shoreham Road Temporary Cycle Lane:

i      Installation - (£53,070)

ii     Removal - (£74,600)

b)     A259 Temporary Cycle Lane:

i      Installation - (£181,491)

ii     Removal - (£5,000) low cost is due to only painting over the markings, further work will be required

c)      Madeira Drive closure scheme:

i      Installation

ii     Maintenance (including staffing costs at entry points)

iii    Removal

iv    Repurposing to new configuration - £447,853.18 – Includes all phase scheme delivery costs

Installation and maintenance of the initial closure - the GL shows 20/21 NPCF287  Madeira Drive Emergency Closure costs  £26,810.58  and 21/22 npcf Madeira Drive Emergency Closure costs £421,042.60




(50)   Councillor Mears: Homeless Placements in the City


46.99   It has been reported that while Brighton and Hove City Council is placing homeless people out of area, including into Newhaven and Eastbourne, that Adur District Council is placing homeless people into Brighton and Hove.


Can the Chair please confirm:

a)     How many homeless have been placed by Adur District Council into Brighton and Hove?

b)     How many other local authorities are also placing homeless into Brighton and Hove?

c)      Are homeless placed into the City by other local authorities able to access the services they need easily?

Additional lnformation:


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Chair of the Housing Committee


46.100   Thank you for your question.


We are currently making enquiries as to the number of councils in the pan Sussex area to confirm placements in the Brighton & Hove area. However there is no requirement for this data to be provided and of course it may vary day by day. Once we have more information officers can provide a fuller response.


We have no evidence to indicate that homeless households placed in Brighton & Hove by other housing authorities are facing difficulties in accessing services.


(51)    Councillor Simson: Population


46.101   I refer to my previous written question from the last full council – Question 14, 15 July 2021.


This question was answered:  Response to follow.

I have yet to receive a response.  Please can this question be answered?


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.102   The response could not be provided in time inclusion with the addendum and will be provided to the Councillor following the meeting and listed in the minutes.


(52)    Councillor Simson: Homemove System


46.103   When the new Homemove System was brought in, it was promised that the regular feedback reports showing the details of allocations would be reinstated once the IT was sorted out.


This has never happened, so Councillors and residents are completely unaware which properties have been let to which Bands and criteria unless they request an excel spreadsheet.

Please can the Chair arrange for this to be restarted?


Reply from Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Chair of the Housing Committee


46.104   Thank you for your question.


Implementation of new system has been more problematic than anticipated but a recent system upgrade that we are currently testing will enable us to make regular feedback reports available to Members.  We anticipate that this will be available within the next 8 weeks.


(53)    Councillor Simson: Safer Streets Round 1


46.105   It has come to my attention that during the 2019/20 municipal year Brighton and Hove City Council was contacted by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and offered an opportunity to participate in a joint Sussex bid for Round 1 of the Government’s Safer Streets Fund.


Brighton and Hove had been identified by the Office of the PCC as statistically the area most in need of crime prevention infrastructure.

Despite this ranking and offer, Brighton and Hove City Council did not choose to participate in the joint bid.


As a result our City missed out on funding, which went to Eastbourne and Hastings Councils which did progress applications and were awarded £893,366.

It is appreciated that this occurred under the previous Labour administration but can the Chair of the Committee please investigate what happened and answer the following questions:

a)     Does the Council have a skills or capacity gap in applying for funding opportunities from the Government?

b)     Was there a lack of oversight from the Chair of the TECC Committee on this matter which meant that the City missed out on funding?

c)     Can the Administration put in place a plan to fill any fundamental skill gaps or capacity issues so that the city does not miss out on vital funding in the future.

Further information:


Reply from Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


46.106   Officers were approached by Sussex Police about safer streets round 1 funding which they were leading on with the Sussex police and crime commissioner. At the time there were capacity issues for staff to contribute fully to a bid, as officers were at that time working on the development of the Community safety strategy.  Officers did submit a bid for safer streets round two funding but were unsuccessful. The City council in conjunction with colleagues from East and West Sussex and the OSPCC have recently successfully bid for safer streets round three funding which specifically looks to address violence against women and girls. Both a primary and secondary bid were submitted, and both were successful. Officers are currently waiting to hear whether a further bid for funding to address violence against women and girls in the night-time economy is successful. The Council regularly successfully bids for funding from a wide range of Government programmes.


(54)    Councillor Simson: Congestion


46.107   The Council’s decision to reduce the capacity of Lewes Road has had a knock-on effect in Woodingdean, with traffic using Falmer Road as a bypass.


There are now fears that the Council’s changes at Valley Gardens will cause further congestion in the inner city and displace more cars to Falmer Road and in Woodingdean and this is causing great concern in the community.

A local resident has previously suggested the idea of improving traffic flow on Lewes Road by making the bus lane flexible in a similar way to smart motorways, allowing the bus-lane to be re-repurposed for cars when demand for buses is lower, for example when the Universities are out.

Will the Council consider this as a plan to reduce congestion on Lewes Road?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.108   The Lewes Road corridor is a heavily used multi model corridor that is used by residents and students to access the universities, which is why the bus lane was introduced to encourage both walking and cycling.  While it is an interesting idea to change the use during the times when the universities are out there are a number of issues to consider.  These are:-


-      Changing the times of bus lane restrictions on road would be confusing when the times of the university change so often

-      It would encourage people to abuse the lanes and likely lead to more cars being fines due to the confusion

-      The road is also a major commuting route with large number of people using public transport and increasing capacity even for a short time will encourage them to swap back to the car

-      Recent evidence of smart motorways being implemented also demonstrates some issues with the schemes, in particular raised by drivers (as can be partially understood through, for example, RAC surveys)


For all of these reasons I would not support any change to the Bus Lane restrictions.




(55)    Councillor Simson: Falmer Road Crossing


46.109   Now that the work has been completed to widen Falmer Road walking and cycling path, will the Council prioritise the installation of the promised crossing across Falmer Road to link the Falmer Road Path and the Drove Road Path?


This simple addition of a crossing would in one stroke create a safe integrated active travel network in Woodingdean and for those enjoying the South Downs National Park.


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.110   A proposal for an informal crossing at this location was presented to stakeholders prior to the completion of the path upgrade with a view to implementing it at the end of the construction phase. Unfortunately, there are many physical challenges to installing a crossing at this location and it was the view of some of the stakeholders that the required design compromises would have resulted in a crossing that did not meet the needs of the users of the path. As in interim measure, we are in the process of putting together a phase one of improvements which will seek to tackle the key concerns of visibility and vehicle speed. We are also gathering further data on speeds and use in order to inform any future considerations for this site. Details of the phase one scheme were sent to you via email on 3rd September. If you would like to discuss this further, then please speak to the relevant officer directly.


(56)    Councillor Simson: Bus Services


46.111   Falmer has become an increasingly important hub in Brighton and Hove for all its residents, providing a major source of employment and major education, sport and recreation facilities.


Falmer is now set to also become a health hub for Brighton and Hove’s resident following the announcement from the Government that it will be the site of one of 40 Community Diagnostic Centres to be set up across England to  clear the NHS backlog caused by the pandemic.

The Amex Community Diagnostic Centre will provide a one-stop-shop for key testing to catch up and boost early diagnoses, speed up and increase referrals.

This will include a full range of scans and tests for patients to identify illnesses at the earliest signs and will achieve quicker diagnoses for patients through easier, faster, and more direct access to the full range of scans and tests needed to understand patients’ symptoms – including breathlessness and cancer symptoms. 

It is fantastic that Brighton and Hove is in a position to host one of these centres and great for local residents and it is now important that all parts of the city are fully connected to this facility.

There is currently no direct bus connection between Woodingdean and Falmer, something residents have been calling for, for many years.


Will the Council, which heavily subsidises Brighton and Hove busses, take this opportunity to request Brighton and Hove busses or other bus providers introduce a direct Woodingdean to Falmer bus route?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.112   I am happy to instruct officers to put this suggestion to operators, but they are only likely to run this service if they deem it commercially viable.  Should an operator decide to trial a service and it is does not make a profit then the Council would have to step in to subsidise the service which would carry an unquantifiable financial risk.  The draft BSIP approved at the September ETS contains the following commitment.


The council will work with operators and neighbouring authorities to explore how services to areas to the north of Brighton & Hove can be enhanced.


I have to challenge the assertion that the Council ‘heavily’ subsidises Brighton & Hove Buses, at least in normal, non-Covid times.  The Council does indeed pay B&H buses to run supported services which would otherwise be commercially unviable such as school services, Breeze up to the Downs and parts of the 21 route.  It also pays bus operators generally for concessionary travel under the English National Concessionary fares scheme.  It has been distributing  additional DFT mandated payments under Covid Bus Services Support grant and Bus Recovery Grant to keep commercial services going when passenger revenue collapsed during the pandemic, but it is worth noting some of these grants are now being phased out as we transition out of Covid restrictions.   


(57)    Councillor Simson: Homeless Placements in Woodingdean


46.113   a) How many from the homeless register have received assistance with privately renting in Woodingdean during the following municipal years?

i)    2019-20

ii)   2020-21

iii)  2021-2 (to date)

b)        How many of these had previously been rough sleeping and were sufficient support mechanisms put in place bearing in mind their isolated location?

c)         Are there proper support services in place for homeless people entering private accommodation?

Reply from Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Chair of the Housing Committee


46.114   Thank you for your question.

i) 2019-20 – 4

ii) 2020-21 – 4

iii) 2021-2 (to date) – 7

Seven of the clients accommodated during this period have been referred through our street outreach service or were threatened with homelessness during the Covid-19 period. Southdown, a housing and support provider, has been specifically commissioned to provide support to single vulnerable clients, including those with a history of rough sleeping.  


The Direct Lets Team currently supports people to whom we have accepted a statutory duty to accommodate under the Homelessness Reduction Act and helps to sustain those tenancies. Third sector providers work in partnership with the Direct Lets Team to support clients who were referred through the street outreach service. We have strong links to a network of public and third sector support agencies and provide a wraparound tenancy sustainment package for the clients we place.


(58)    Councillor Nemeth: Tree Garden Removal


46.115   In the absence of Council action on the matter, hundreds of residents have started to maintain areas around tree bases outside their homes. In many cases, they have created beautiful tree gardens that bring joy to passers-by.


Sadly, the Council has destroyed several of these gardens when carrying out works on or around the trees without reference to gardeners or neighbours.

It is of course the case that the Council owns the land around the trees and may not have a legal duty to consult anybody. However, given that residents already feel so let down by the lack of maintenance, and that they have put so much help into proactively assisting the Council, it is quite simply wrong that their work is being destroyed in this manner.

What protocols can be put in place to avoid such a situation continuing?


Reply from Councillor Heley, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


46.116   Neither Cityparks or its contractors are aware of destroying any planting around tree bases. There should be no structures put around trees and if there are these will be removed however we welcome the effort residents put into improving their streets by planting herbaceous plants around tree bases. In most cases the council will not know who has been working on a particular tree base, it would not be practical for the council or it’s contractors to locate the person who has planted a tree base and consult them prior to working on a tree. The only time that planting will be destroyed is when stumps are removed however it is quite possible that some damage is done to it during routine pruning operations.


I will ask officers to offer to meet Cllr Nemeth to look at the tree bases in question to check that our staff and contractors are not causing unnecessary damage to residents planting schemes.


(59)    Councillor Pissaridou:


46.117   Concerns have been raised to me by residents in my ward who are parents whose children, age 12-15, attend senior schools across the city and who are worried about the current spread of Covid-19 locally. 


There are four schools in North Portslade including a Special school, with two of them teaching Years 7-11. 

The latest figures from the ONS ( Office of National Statistics) show that the percentage of people testing positive for COVID-19 this week (October 8th) was highest in secondary school pupils Years 7-11 with the daily percentage trebling since the return to school in September after the summer break. 


Can you tell me 

How many children aged 12-15 locally have contracted COVID-19  since the return to school in September on a week-by-week basis and how many of those were in the clinically vulnerable category but now no longer shielding and had to return to school or are living with people who are still considered to be clinically vulnerable? 


How many children are currently off school due to a positive COVID-19  test and given the figures vary week by week, is the trend similar to the national trend?


Reply from Councillor Clare, Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee


46.118   There are still high numbers of Covid cases in school and college aged children and young people in the city and I know we’d all agree that efforts must be maintained to control possible infection and reduce the rate of transmission.


On our public key stats page we show the rate of new confirmed COVID-19 cases by broad age group, which shows the rates in the city remain highest in those aged 0-14 years.


The government COVID-19 dashboard breaks this down further, with the rate by 5 year age band.


Our public health team at the council receive further detailed data usually on a daily basis on the Covid cases in the city. This data is confidential and cannot be shared publicly as it is personal sensitive health data. It is however used proactively to monitor the situation, both generally across the city but also in particular areas, particular age groups and in particular settings including schools. In addition to this, our Education and Skills team ask the city’s schools to update them when they have positive cases. The Education and Skills and the Public Health team are currently meeting daily, given the ongoing high Covid rates, to look at this data and to consider what support can be best given to schools.




47             Oral questions from Councillors


47.1      The Mayor noted that 18 oral questions had been submitted and that 30 minutes was set aside for the duration of the item.


(1)             Councillor Allcock: Subject matter: Staff Performance & Development          


47.2      Councillor Allcock asked a question relating to staff performance and the process for individual reviews with managers. He noted that it was well known that good staff performance was underpinned by effective and consistent management and support. The Council primarily aims to achieve this through regular one to one meetings between managers and their staff and through the annual Performance Development Plan or PDP process which all employees are required to participate in. The results of the recent staff survey revealed that 65% of Council staff responded positively to the question. My performance development plan review is held in a meaningful way. However this represents only half 56% of the total workforce and is two percent down on the previous results. The levels of completion of annual PDP's and the delivery of one-to-one meetings have been consistently low over recent years, with approximately 4 out of 10 staff missing out. In addition, results of the Staff survey show that black or Black British colleagues were less satisfied than the overall cohort of respondents on the question of whether the PDP was held in a meaningful way. So that's 57% compared with 64% that feel the PDP was meaningful. Asian or Asian British colleagues were also less likely by 5 percentage points to say that they have one to one meetings with their manager every four to six weeks in 2021 was 9% lower than in 2019. Now I'm sure Councillor Gibson would see these results as telling at a time when there are so many concerns raised by residents about poor Council performance and would also consider that the findings on their ethnicity brings shame to us all.


So my question is, what meaningful steps are the administration putting into place to improve these results on PDP completion and one to one support meetings in a meaningful and speedy way?


47.3         Councillor Gibson replied, the council has a process in place for regular 121 meetings where staff meet with line managers to cover work objectives, wellbeing and future development. A more detailed annual meeting (Performance and Development Plans) takes place to set objectives annually and to ensure there are clear links to directorate and organisational objectives. For our leadership network, a rated appraisal process ensures transparency and consistency in the management of the council’s senior managers. These processes are supported by a comprehensive learning and development offer, with some mandatory training for induction, new managers, and recruitment. I ado accept that improvements can be made and would be happy to discuss this further outside of the meeting.


47.4         Councillor Allcock asked the following supplementary question; will you agree to investigate the reasons for the lower response rate and look into ways to improve this?


47.5         Councillor Gibson replied, yes, I am hopeful that we will see an improvement in the level of responses and satisfaction in the PDP process in the next staff survey.


(2)             Councillor Bell: Subject matter: Industrial Relations


47.6      Councillor Bell asked whether the Leader of the Council had any regrets in regard to the recent handling of the latest industrial dispute?


47.7      Councillor Mac Cafferty replied the council continues to work collaboratively with its Trade Unions to make the council a fair and inclusive employer, and where possible resolve issues at an early stage. Where there are disputes, we aim to understand the issues being raised by Trade Union colleagues and seek ways to resolve concerns. We proactively hold consultation meetings at both a corporate and departmental level and have well established processes that ensure we work with TU colleagues on matters such as our budget setting process and any staffing changes to our organisational structures. Following previous discussions with TU colleagues, the council has recently appointed a TU Relations Manager, to reflect our joint ambition to reduce the number of disputes and ensure a collegiate and collaborative environment, where concerns can be addressed openly. My only regret is that we weren't able to be joined by your good colleagues in our decision to get rid of some of the lowest pay grades across the council.


47.8      Councillor Bell asked a supplementary question, before the elections back in 2019, there was a peer review where it said that this Council, in its entirety, had to have a complete reset with the unions. If our relationship is still in need of a reset, I'd like to know what plans there are to ensure that we do not end up in a similar situation to the one we have experienced over the recent months?


47.9      Councillor Mac Cafferty replied, you're right to remind us about what was said through the Local Government Association peer review. There is always a way of reviewing what is going on and we must understand some of the challenges that have that have come up. However, some of the issues that were raised have been long-standing and will need to be worked through by all parties concerned collectively if changes were to be made and the welfare of staff improved.


(3)   Councillor Appich: Subject matter: Care Staff


47.10      Councillor Appich asked a question concerning the shortfall of care staff both in home and residential care across the city.


47.11   Councillor Shanks replied, there is a crisis across the country at the moment and we have high demand for health care in the city, particularly for people wishing to remain in their own homes and we are looking at how to recruit more staff and support them.


47.12   Councillor Appich noted the information and stated that she would be keen to explore retention measures and recruitment options with the Chair outside of the meeting.


(4)   Councillor Bagaeen: Subject matter: Performance on Climate Change


47.13   Councillor Bagaeen asked how the council was addressing the issue of climate change and what measures were being put in place to help such as the installation of charging points.


47.14   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied, the council is taking a number of actions to address the situation and will need to work with other organisations if a real difference is to be made. The council is monitoring carbon emissions and a report will come to committee in due course, but the expectation is that we will see an improvement.


47.15   Councillor Bagaeen asked a supplementary question and for clarification as to how the Council planned to measure the level of carbon emissions and its position in relation to the Carbon Disclosure Project and how will it manage the impact on its residents?


47.16   Councillor Mac Cafferty replied, the Council is developing a carbon emissions plan and the Working Group will take lead, but a number of the actions could not be completed earlier due to the need to develop the plan. He hoped that once the plan was in place it would alleviate a number of concerns and answer questions that were being raised.


(5)   Councillor Pissaridou: Subject matter: Adult Social Care


47.17   Councillor Pissaridou asked if the arrangements for the discharge of patients from hospital could be reviewed as she believed it was not working well. She referred to a case of a person who should have been in hospital for a two-night stay but because of a lack of care staff remained in hospital for a further ten days. This had a significant impact on the person and their family and meant they had to wait longer for post-operative care to be put in place.


47.18   Councillor Shanks replied, I believe that there is a discharge process in place which looks at what assistance may be required after a person leaves hospital. However, it does appear that something went wrong and perhaps the case can be looked at by the appropriate bodies to see whether changes need to be made to the process.


47.19   Councillor Pissaridou asked a supplementary question; can the Chair confirm how the discharge process is funded and assure residents that there is adequate funding to meet their needs.


47.20   Councillor Shanks replied, it is difficult to confirm as funding for adult social care comes from government and although there is an intention to increase this, it is not known how and when it will be provided. In the meantime there are pressures on the budget which we are trying to address.


(6)   Councillor Platts: Subject matter: Rats


47.21   Councillor Platts asked a question relating to the increase in rats in areas of the city and what action was being taken to address the situation.


47.22   Councillor Heley replied she had not been aware of the situation in the areas referred to but would raise this with officers and ensure that action was taken to address the matter.


47.23   Councillor Platts asked a supplementary question and queried whether the Chair agreed that the rat problem had been exacerbated by the overflowing bins due to either there being an insufficient number or collections?


47.24   Councillor Heley replied that she would be happy to look into the situation and to see whether additional bins were required and what other action could be taken to alleviate the problem.


(7)   Councillor McNair: Subject matter: Bin Strike Compensation

47.25   Councillor McNair asked what compensation residents could claim as a result of missed rubbish collections due to the recent strike action.


47.26      Councillor Heley replied, the council had apologised for the disruption caused during the industrial action and a clean-up process had begun but it was not possible to offer any compensation.


47.27      Councillor McNair asked a supplementary question, what improvements to the refuse collection service could residents expect to see now that the strike was over?


47.28      Councillor Heley replied, there is a modernisation programme underway, and this should see improvements to the service being implemented.


(8)   Councillor Fishleigh: Subject matter: Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring


47.29   Councillor Fishleigh asked if the Chair could provide an update on the roll-out of real time air quality monitoring.


47.30   Councillor Heley replied, the issue was recently raised at committee and an in-depth report was due to be brought to a future committee meeting and officers were investigating the potential use of mobile air quality equipment that could be used to provide information.


47.31   Councillor Fishleigh asked a supplementary question, was it possible to give a timeline for the report and data from the air quality monitoring.


47.32   Councillor Heley replied, she would need to speak to officers and could then inform Councillor Fishleigh.


(9)   Councillor Wilkinson: Subject matter: Service Delivery Criss


47.33   Councillor Wilkinson asked, what action was being taken to address the volume of complaints that all Members were receiving about the delivery of basic council services. There were problems with refuse collections, graffiti and being able to obtain parking permits for example. Whilst it was recognised that the pandemic had been a factor there was a need to get services back working effectively.


47.34   Councillor Heley replied, it is recognised that there are issues affecting the delivery of services and staff were working to address these and the situation was being scrutinised by the ET&S Committee with regular updates being brought to Members. There was a modernisation programme being followed and this should see improvements coming to fruition.


47.35   Councillor Wilkinson asked a supplementary question, do you agree there is a problem and if not, why are councillors receiving so many complaints?


47.36   Councillor Heley replied, there are issues that need to be tackled and the ET&S Committee was working to ensure these could be resolved, and she looked forward to working with the Councillor to ensure that solutions could be found.




(10)   Councillor Simson: Subject matter: Missed Funding Opportunities


47.37   Councillor Simson asked whether the Administration had taken up the opportunity to bid for funding support from the Police & Crime Commissioner towards making the city streets safer?


47.38   Councillor Powell replied, officers had been working with the Police & Crime Commissioner to support the council’s safer streets project but due to staffing pressures it was not possible to complete the necessary bids for funding. Officers were working on developing the Community Safety Strategy and then with the start of the pandemic it led to officers being asked to lead on emergency planning matters and other related issues. However, bids were submitted for the round two of Safer Streets and one was successful and subsequently for round three which will see support for the night economy project to improve street lighting.


47.39   Councillor Simson asked a supplementary question as to whether the capacity issues for staffing had been resolved?


47.40   Councillor Powell noted that significant funding had been put into supporting domestic violence projects and a Working Group was currently looking at the impact of the contractual changes and procurement process. As part of this a new staffing structure was also being progressed and a report would be coming to the next TECC Committee in November. She also noted that officers continued to put bids forward for a wide range of government programmes when capacity allowed, and this would continue under the new structure.


47.41   The Mayor noted that the 30 minutes set aside for the item had been reached but that there was general consent for questions to continue and therefor stated that he would continue for a further 10minutes.


(11)   Councillor Henry: Subject matter: Rubbish Collections


47.42   The question was asked on Councillor Henry’s behalf, what plans are there to recruit more permanent staff in City Clean to ensure that rubbish and recycling rounds can be completed on time?


47.43      Councillor Heley replied, an offer had been put forward by the management team and it was hoped that this would be accepted by the trade union and then implemented.


(12)    Councillor Mears: Subject matter: Repairs Backlog


47.44   Councillor Mears asked what action was being taken to address the backlog of housing repairs?


47.45      Councillor Gibson replied, as Members will be aware there has been a  pandemic which has impacted on the service and the ability to carry out repairs, with only essential repairs being undertaken. Whilst all repairs are being logged, there is a need to prioritise the work.


47.46      Councillor Mears asked a supplementary question, there are 277 empty properties awaiting to be released. How will this be achieved and what extra costs will be incurred by tenants and leaseholders in contributions to the Housing Revenue Account following the decision to bring the repairs service back in house?


47.47      Councillor Gibson replied, it was hoped that more properties could be made available, and officers were working with contractors to enable this to happen. He could not comment on the HRA at this point but would ensure Councillor Mears received further information.


(13)    Councillor Fowler: Subject matter: Blakers Park Playground


47.48   Councillor Fowler stated that she had received complaints about the lack of consultation in regard to proposals for Blakers Park and asked if the delayed improvements over the summer would be taken forward and residents consulted?


47.49      Councillor Heley replied, there are published plans for the park, and it is open for use. Unfortunately the completion of the works was delayed due to unforeseen issues but these ha been addressed, and she was happy to put the councillor in touch with the playgrounds officer who can provide more information.


47.50      Councillor Fowler asked a supplementary question, I note that there have been incidents of anti-social behaviour in the park and damage to the equipment reported in the press, will action be taken to address this and ensure the park is safe to use?


47.51      Councillor Heley replied, I will ask officers for an update and provide you with a written response. She also noted that local ward councillors had set up a local action team and that would be a good forum to raise issues and discuss matters like this.


(14)   Councillor Grimshaw: Subject matter: Football Pitches


47.52   Councillor Grimshaw stated that she had been disheartened to see the poor state of facilities and local pitches for grassroots football and asked if any action was planned to improve the conditions for those that took part in the games and came to watch?


47.53   Councillor Heley replied, she would ask officers to provide the details for the planned works for these.


47.54   Councillor Grimshaw asked a supplementary question, will sufficient funding be identified in the budget for next year to ensure that pitches and facilities can be maintained?


47.55    Councillor Heley replied, it is important to provide these facilities and she hoped that funding could be found and she would continue to lobby the government for more funding.


47.56   The Mayor stated that the time for oral questions had gone beyond the 30 minutes set aside for the item and therefore the remaining questions would be carried over to the next meeting.


(15)    Councillor Williams: Subject matter: Fuel Poverty


(16)    Councillor Evans: Subject matter: Women’s Safety


(17)   Councillor O’Quinn: Subject matter: CAHMS


(18)   Councillor Childs: Subject matter: Telephone Boxes


47.57   He then adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break at 6.40pm.


47.58   The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7.10pm and informed Members that during the recess a councillor had received a positive PCR result. Having consulted with Group Leaders and being mindful of the health & safety of Members and officers it was agreed that the meeting should be curtailed. There was one tine sensitive motion which he would take and all other items requiring discussion would then be deferred and others noted.


47.59   The Mayor then invited Councillor Appich to move the notice of motion concerning fair trade, item 53 on the agenda.




48             Review of the Waste & Minerals Plan - Proposed Submission


48.1      RESOLVED:


(1)      That the summary of the issues raised in the consultation on the Waste and Minerals Local Plan – Proposed Submission Revised Policies (WMRP) carried out between 11 May and 3 August 2020 (set out at Appendix 1) be noted;


(2)     That the WMRP (along with the other proposed submission documents referred to in Appendix 2) for statutory public consultation in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 201 be approved;


(3)     That the subsequent submission of the documents to the Secretary of State under Regulation 22 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 subject to no material changes, other than alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary be authorised; and


(4)     That the Head of Planning be authorised to agree any draft ‘main modifications’ to the WMRP necessary to make it sound and to authorise the publication of such draft modifications for public consultation save that should any draft modification involve a major shift in the policy approach the draft modification shall be referred by the Head of Planning.




49             Council & Committee Meetings - October 2021


49.1      The item was deferred.





50             Response to Members Letter: Freedom of Information requests


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




                   City Clean Dispute Resolution


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




51             Getting Council Services Back to Work


51.1      The item had been deferred.




52             Housing Repairs


51.2      The item had been deferred.




53             Fair Trade City


51.3      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Appich on behalf of the Labour Group and formally seconded by Councillor Osborne.


51.4      The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


This Council notes:

1.      That Brighton & Hove was awarded Fair Trade City Status in 2004, and renewed this in 2015;

2.      That a continued commitment to Fair Trade was agreed by the Policy & Resources Committee on 6 June 2016, and reaffirmed by a Notice of Motion to the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee on 24 September;

This Council recognises:

1.      That significant progress has been made in promoting Fair Trade products across the city as part of its good food standards, and that the importance building on that progress remains crucial today;

Therefore, this Council:


1.      Reaffirms its continued commitment to Fair Trade by formally supporting the renewal of its Fair-Trade City Status;

2.      Confirms its continued and ongoing commitment to Fair Trade as part of its Food Standards;

3.      Grants delegated authority to the Chief Executive to offer the Council’s support for future applications for renewal of Brighton & Hove’s Fair Trade City Status.


51.5      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.






54             Poor Condition of Pavements in Brighton and Hove


51.6      The item had been deferred.




55             Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty


51.7      The item had been deferred.




56             Protect Residents This Winter


51.8      The item had been deferred.




57             Violence Against Women and Girls


51.9      The item had been deferred.




58             Council Placement of Homeless People and Rough Sleepers


58.1      The item had been deferred.




59             Close of Meeting


59.1      The Mayor thanked everyone for their understanding and closed the meeting.





The meeting concluded at 7.23pm







Dated this

day of